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Ross Gardner

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Everything posted by Ross Gardner

  1. Very nice John. Very smooth riding
  2. where is this golden bull place? im getting a lift with neil and steve so should be there fairly early. Probs go for a lil search.
  3. Marc mate! your technique has improved so much since i last rode with you! getting good mush. In your next vid however, let it flow abit more without so much slow mo but other than that a good vid!
  4. Saturday few of our lot should be down. Got my Echo sorted out now aswell so should be on that
  5. very nice man, big taps. Sound. Cya Saturday
  6. vid were mint for a 13 year old! dont worry about the other comments man. Keep up your riding and your sure to be a rider to look out for in the future
  7. BEAST MAN, Lesson looks the don. Always liked your Control.
  8. New site is looking sweeeet. I didnt realise Nick meant to manual the rail first time so i screamed lol. Was dead impressive specially Nick with the front to on the rail near the start and Andrei 180 on the rails. Porter is sick as always.
  9. He took the music and background noises( i.e. brakes) from Joe Baxters Cleanbikes video 2. WHY??!!
  10. Ross Gardner

    My Video

    yes nick! very nice flowing vid there, you connect your moves very well. Im starting comps next sunday. Just wondering how poo im guna be after watching that. Rossy
  11. that was awesome. Agree with Squince, lower the front!
  12. NOICE Daniel. Shame about the Aorta though, hopefully you will ride this one aswell as that.
  13. improved loads since your last vid! Sidehops are looking nice.
  14. biggest sh*t ever, how high was the bmx sidehop
  15. propa sick riding! get a chainstay protector though
  16. sidehop: 40.5" backwheeling: 34" static: 33" front gap: 7ft backwheel gap: 7ft 2
  17. i can remember watching that vid yonks ago! best vid i have seen, such originality.
  18. awesome everything about the vid just went together really well.
  19. Nice one Eldingggg. Riding was bo! so was the editting. I agree with Joe Maher though, The song didnt suit the riding. From the previews your sent me, you should have kept Fort Minor. Anyways, good video mate.
  20. Keep it up Partz, make him look like a nob. Ebay will hopefully do him over.
  21. some very nice shots. The one with Fred more than vertical up to the plant pot was scary lol. Wish i could have gone
  22. can someone put this vid on a normal server please
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