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Ross Gardner

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Everything posted by Ross Gardner

  1. looking nice ali t. As said before though, i think new cranks would make the bike look much better
  2. Forgot about me O well, im in. Representing the skinny jean massive.
  3. Lil Marc sent me his new vid and i was absolutely blown away by the standard of riding in this video! He is 13 years old and is by far one of the best up and coming talents in the UK IMO, even though he nicked my music from one of my vids Enjoy...... eengoedidee
  4. Hey everyone, Some clips left over on my comp, made a little vid. Didnt really bother to edit it that well since its only short. A few clips on my mates Pitbull aswell since im getting a stock soon, just wanted to see how i rode them and i love it. Long vid to come after my exams, up to my neck in revision atm. Thanks, Rossy
  5. Best vid for far this year IMO. Nice work mate. 10/10. Rossy
  6. Agreed I have had mine for at least 8 months and hasn't skipped once. Sounds dead nice too. Well worth the money!
  7. hey, My mate Steve's vid that i have been filming for a few months. He has just turned 15. Music: A Perfect Circle - Pet. Comments welcome. Tv.isg
  8. hey, my and a mate are coming down and staying a few miles from pembroke. Does anyone want to meet up in pembrook or tenby sometime during the week?
  9. Thats GAY. Me and Steve wont be in, we are in wales
  10. You have improved mega since that vid with billocks. Liked the editting, old school music, everyone liked limp bizkit
  11. That was sweet cal. Ride soon mush.
  12. Fair play Danny boy. That was some good shit. Next vid, try and vary the riding a bit then it would be top!
  13. IMO i think black bars and black front hub would look awesome. Very nice though.
  14. Its clear from that vid that you have alot of control over your bike. Would be better if we didnt only see your backwheel and half of your legs the whole time.
  15. Heyyy everyone Been a while since i released a vid. Too much food over Christmas spose. Since Christmas i have been sidehopping opposite which has really helped my riding. This vid is one of my better ones. Think the riding gets better as the vid goes on. Anyway, enough chatting. Music: Lost Prophets - A New Transmission. Riding time: 1 year 6 months. Age: 15. Thanks to Benny J for the TV.ISG.SI link. Comments pleaseeeeee. Enjoy. TV.ISG.SI Rossy.
  16. mint song. But its been used before. Quite a nice style, keep it up.
  17. The middle of the pedal is a different colour
  18. Havent got anything through let me know though mate. Im away the 2nd week by the way.
  19. RIDE READING! PM me when your down and we will organise something. High Wycombe isnt very good. Could go maidenhead. Thats alrite.
  20. Tickets just sold out at Reading. Unfortunatly i was too late.... So many of my fave bands aswell playing aswell I.E. Interpol, Bloc Party, Lost Prophets ETC. Is any one going to Reading or Leeds anyway.
  21. Fair play mate. That was goooood Sh*t.
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