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Ross Gardner

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Everything posted by Ross Gardner

  1. Nice Pics gay man Kennard is a god, as is Dave.
  2. Pete Sampras, Ryan Reynolds - Will Hayes in Definatly, maybe
  3. Awesome Ben! You have improved a hell of a lot! Ride soon
  4. Haha, nice one Simps. Love you man xx Cheers for the comments peeps, keep them coming
  5. Really nice edit there! Good riding
  6. Thanks everyone for the comments, really warming
  7. Hello all, Got my bum in gear and sorted out a video. Tried a change in music, hope it pays off Music: Arctic Monkeys - No Buses. Thanks to everyone for filming and shiz. Thanks to Steve@Heatsinkbikes for backing me with pads and booster. Also, Thanks to Dave@SelectiveClothing for taking me on Link Comments welcome, Thanks guys, Rossy
  8. Its from the end of one of the Select videos. Video was ok, prefer your others!
  9. Ross Gardner

    Jack Meek

    Yo, 2 Videos from Jack. One short one from Poole 2 weeks ago and a vid of just pure backflips Poole Corby Backflips Enjoy.
  10. Awesome Dave, well in son. Winchester looks intense!
  11. Awesome Hugh, serious control and style
  12. Nick G, DAN THE ALMIGHTY SEXUAL BEAST GRAY and Jack Meek are in.
  13. awwwesome bes, your have so much style!
  14. Yo, Been talking to Dave (Mr Koxx) and we fancy a change of location (or for me, somewhere i havent ridden in ages) so, we decided on Oxford Sunday 25th. 11am meet at the Station I'm sure Dave will bring some of his lot and i will bring some of the Reading boys. Everyone welcome! Will see you there people EDIT: I can't go now, just realised how much college work i have to do!
  15. Really nice pics there mate. Looks like you have real control over your bike Bring a vid out soon?
  16. It says..: Rossy G is 33% Gay! Loosen up my straight mate! These days women like a man with some softer edges to grab onto........... lol
  17. The ride is on thursday by the way everyone, im coming obviously. May film aswell.
  18. Ross Gardner

    Jack Meek

    Hey, Jack sent me this vid over Msn, thought i would post up Meeeeeek
  19. Been speaking to Meek, and he is coming down and bringing Nick too
  20. WOOP! Well in Ben. Edit was good, as was the riding
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