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Ross Gardner

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Everything posted by Ross Gardner

  1. Get fit Stop drinking so excessively Enter British rounds Pass my exams Get into Uni
  2. That rail stuff was ace! As said, a huge improvement
  3. A house in Sandbanks, Dorset, the new Aston Martin (The one shown on Top Gear like a month ago). Can't think of anything atm.
  4. Mission Prodigy Onza T-Pro Zoo Python 05 Monty 221PR 07 Echo Team 07 Toxsin 20.1 Toxsin 2 Echo Control 07 Modstock Echo Control 09 Christ, never knew i had that many.
  5. Epic ride. Kennard snapped his forks, Mike's wheel exploded, Jack fell in a river, Wheeler ate shit on a rail bunnyhop. Good banter and a good vibe through out the day.
  6. That was rad Nath! See you soon man.
  7. Awesome man, serious improvement there.
  8. Nice one lads, both improved loads!
  9. Spot on man, a white bash would have looked better.
  10. You're a tart, looks good though
  11. Having a kickabout during the day, going for a meal with the family in the evening, then going to a party after. Sorted.
  12. Never seen Phil Feeney - The Engine before. That was a sweet vid. Love 24" vids, so much creativity! Has anyone got Joel Bennetts vid, or have a downloadable link?
  13. Awesome! Thought you'd quit! You look alot more controlled now mate, ride soon.
  14. No other word for it; Perfection!
  15. Me, Jack Meek, Nathan Roach, Tom McMillan, Neil Chana and Mowgli. Yeah, he's had it about a week now, he's loving it! Fancy a ride over christmas Adz?
  16. Zhi Nuts/Bionic Balls, i love you. Also, Ben, that was an amazing edit!
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