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Ross Gardner

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Everything posted by Ross Gardner

  1. Hey, My friend ordered from Trialsman on friday for a rim that Tarty had discontinued. He received an Email from Protx saying that his money had been taken on the friday. Since then, he hasn't received a Dispatch Note or an Email or anything. As the Website hasn't been updated since August 2007, just wondering whether they're still running? I ordered from them monday, so would be useful for me aswell. I understand the Postal service is a bit behind at the moment but I'm just curious. Many Thanks, Ross Edit: He's also tried ringing, but there was no answer.
  2. Business Studies, Geography, History and Sports Studies. That was 5 years ago... How time flies.
  3. 3 different subjects: Media Studies @ Brighton, Winchester and Bath Spa. Interactive Media Production @ Bournemouth. Video and Broadcasting @ Portsmouth. Still waiting on my B'Mouth offer, but I've got the rest. Top 3 are Brighton, Bournemouth and Portsmouth. Put the other's down just to fill space really. The grades are achievable with the highest being 280 (Brighton), so i should get in. Can't wait, i hate A level.
  4. Hey, Few of us are out in Oxford this sunday, meeting at the rocks, if you don't know where that is, pm me and i'll give you my number.
  5. Harry doesn't love Billocks too much does he... Edit wasn't great and the song has already been used but the riding was cool.
  6. just saw this on Facebook. AMAZING Sam, really flowing and effortless, bring some more out
  7. Unreal stuff Jack! Cool to see my bike made the shoot Keep it up mate, you're a big influence in trials as we know it and giving the sport good coverage in the process!
  8. Good work son, cya soon.
  9. I'm giving Connor and George a lift and we'll be in Pompy at 11.
  10. ooo controversial! Glad to see Atomz are competing with the big guns now.
  11. Dead Letter Circus - Disconnect & Apply
  12. Good riding. However, Fish eyes are so annoying, and riding on Memorial's isn't cool...
  13. I can drive now wooooo! I'll be parking at Nick's Jack so i doubt it about the secret spot. I'll be at Nick's for 11 so give us a ring
  14. Wank! Parents saying i can't drive down because I've only just passed, Train it is haha.
  15. Thats an awesome achievement! Mine's like 10.5kg, i should start weight saving....
  16. A few of my mates went last summer, they said it was unreal! Pints and other drinks for like 70p a go, seems to be a fair few clubs in Burgas (which is where they stayed).
  17. Sweet dude! Proper good vid, loved the tune, and inparticular the range of shots used, made the video far more enjoyable. Awesome effort, more like that.
  18. That was awesome, best vid you've made.
  19. Not revealing anything yet...
  20. Hey, Haven't been down in a while. 11am at Guildhall. Anywhere free to park?
  21. Good riding for 14. But, the edit was gash, as was the song.
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