searched near the cave entrance but found nothing except for a herd of cows which looked a little confused.
a feint whiff of mothballs/old unwashed human smell which is unmistakable, I'm sure you've all got the same smell from an elderly relative or a homeless person.
These made me lol. What does a confused cow look like?
I used to have iPhones, I still use one for work and I hate a similar boat I guess.
Current phone is a Samsung S5, Rooted and bloatware removed, extended 7500mah battery which adds a bit of bulk but means I can used my phone for about 5-6 days without having to charge it.
Urgh. Once a funny concept brought to life With My Name is Earl, it now appears to be used by every retard on Facebook when mildly threatening revenge.
"karma is a bitch" blah blah blah. Idiots.
Smoke free for 7 days and feeling good. Usual cravings but staying strong.
I decided to go completely cold turkey rather than the electric method, which I don't like the idea of.
It's strange, when you think about this concept; bike gets stolen, gets found, pay money to get it back.
If I kidnap someone and demand money for her safe return, suddenly I'm the criminal. The world's gone mad.
I don't there is a way around it that is legal. That's the whole point of it. It's the Find My Phone facility in iCloud which is enabled and so when you wipe the phone you need the owners details to access it again.
Nah, I'm fully aware of Mad Friday and I'm a sporting participant... Just without the fighting bit.
They're usually budget models too, so they're probably knackered by Christmas. Thing is, technology has such a quick turn over that in a couple of months these televisions will end of life and the prices will be rock bottom to get rid of existing stock.
I've seen some of the videos on Facebook. f**king animals.