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Everything posted by anzo

  1. Gah, beat me to it! Doesn't work on Android, not sure if it's just my phone but it has an absolute shit fit. It's as though it can't cope with the indexing.
  2. anzo

    The Angry Thread.

    Things like this really piss me off. I'd rather it be stolen (I wouldn't) as there would actually be some point to that rather than just mindlessly being a wanker. Things like this really piss me off. I'd rather it be stolen (I wouldn't) as there would actually be some point to that rather than just mindlessly being a wanker. Things like this really piss me off. I'd rather it be stolen (I wouldn't) as there would actually be some point to that rather than just mindlessly being a wanker. I'm on my phone, I really can't be bothered to edit and correct that post...
  3. Missus needs a new car. Something around 1.0l - 1.2l, not huge miles, it'll just be a run around for work and popping around for leisure. She hasn't passed her test yet (test next week) so needs to be cheap on the old insurance. Around £2.5k budget. I suggested Ford Fiesta (around 2008 era), but insurance can be steep. She suggested Citreon C1/C2 and they're low insurance group but I'm unsure about reliability (basing this on the saxos). Any suggestions? If we go for Citreon is there something we should look out for, common faults/problems?
  4. She sounds like a twat. Her pissing off is probably the best thing that could have happened to you that night.
  5. anzo

    The Angry Thread.

    How did it look beforehand?
  6. anzo

    The Angry Thread.

    Good weekend? How's the weather up/down there? Up to anything at the weekend? Any holidays planned? Roll on Friday Amongst others. I don't like to think how many times I've had the same conversation with someone over the last 11 years of working here.
  7. anzo

    The Angry Thread.

    Plane crash at carfest I think.
  8. anzo

    The Angry Thread.

    And for what's it's worth, perhaps run a few spares, even if you leave it coiled under the floor in case you need to run more lines in future.
  9. anzo

    Vapers Thread

    I don't. But the fact remains that you could, and people do - and just because you pay a premium it doesn't always make it a better, more honest product.
  10. anzo

    Vapers Thread

    I'm on my phone and I can't be arsed to quote it, but in reference to the chemicals in the liquid the point for me is that it's completely unregulated? You can buy this on a market stall and it couldn't have anything in it. They don't have to be honest on their labelling. Oh, and weren't you banned?
  11. Wrong thread. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/179139-the-angry-thread/page-312#entry2644373
  12. Right, so unless they eat meat you're pretty much stumped?
  13. Yeah I dragged two mates along to see Steve Coogan in Nottingham a few years ago. They didn't like him/Alan Partridge. f**king philistines.
  14. I don't know, I think you're a close contender.
  15. If you're typing on a phone thou, you can set the autocorrect to correct certain words.
  16. Or as they're now known, men without jobs.
  17. https://youtu.be/9G4jnaznUoQ
  18. What did/didn't you do?
  19. anzo

    The Angry Thread.

    She's suffered enough.
  20. I'm sure you won't be able to cope with chewing it for 2 minutes... But regardless, I'd like to see this!
  21. Off work today but I have a wall outside my window...until my new office is built in a couple of weeks and then I get a car park!
  22. A friend of mine was in a similar situation. He found his real dad on Facebook and met him. His regret was that he waited 10 years or so to do it... So I say find him. Life is far too short.
  23. I'd say that looks more curious than confused.
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