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Everything posted by anzo

  1. Yeah I don't mind that too. I like adventure time because of the surrealism of it all, and the hand animation. Reminds me a lot of the cartoons I washed as a kid... When TV was good.
  2. Bit of a weird one for a 28 year old. But I'm fond of 'Adventure Time'... That kids cartoon...
  3. anzo

    The Angry Thread.

    I'm rarely ill. So I have been on holiday from work since the 9th, one week of that was spent in bed with a flu which almost killed me, I've peaked and now getting better. it's now boxing day and the world just fell out my anus. Fantastic. Merry Christmas.
  4. I'd rather have a conversation on snapchat than see another twat with a ring of butterflies around their head
  5. anzo

    The Angry Thread.

    I remember going through that bollocks ages ago when I wanted to access an old account... I sacked it off in the end.
  6. You can buy it shielded. Is there no identification on the insulation?
  7. anzo

    The Angry Thread.

    Shouldn't you have done the agenda before the meeting?
  8. anzo


    Well, as the years passed by it still looks ridiculous.
  9. It's a growing conspiracy at the minute. It wasn't religion (as far as I know) that convinced him but a YouTube video. There are an alarming about of people that believe it is flat, NASA lie and photoshop all there images of the earth. The sun never sets, it just gets further away and you can't see it anymore. Read about it if you want a laugh, honestly it's f**king mental.
  10. I have a friend who is Christian. He's against gays, evolution, science in general and now believes that the world is flat. Lol.
  11. anzo

    The Angry Thread.

    One of those deliberate cool mispelling for burnt? "After the rough intercourse, Johns anus felt turnt af"
  12. Well I haven't touched a trials bike for about 5 or 6 years now, maybe even longer than that. Occasionally I look at the tartybikes catalogue and think about giving the plastic a good hammering on something nice, but then again it would probably sit around because I just don't get much time these days between work, missus, travelling and other things. If anything, I think I'll buy a motorbike (trials) as its where I started and I still love and follow the sport closely, so I'm likely to dedicate the time to this. As for the forum, I come here as a stop gap between Amazon purchases and hardcore pornography.
  13. anzo

    The Angry Thread.

    @HippY have you checked Google maps for public transport? I used it on a recent trip to Stuttgart and the train info was amazing... But then again the German train system is amazing as well. Worth a look though.
  14. Yeah I ordered the tickets back in August time so free reign over the seating. It did cross my mind that there were probably some people I vaguely knew from here and from the past. Did you meet Andy from Trials Central, pretty sure I saw him there?
  15. Right in front of to the red bull metal logo, second row up.
  16. It was a great night! About the 5th year in a row now I think and it never fails to please. Ps. You're a lucky b*****d!
  17. I think BT provide these. We've had two at work that I know of (search BT redline/redcare). One was/is attached to the fire and intruder alarm so it calls when the alarm is triggered.
  18. anzo

    Merry Christmas.

    Late on ball, but Merry Christmas all!
  19. Right, so the missus got herself a nice little fiesta, 56 plate, alright mileage etc etc. After driving it she has noticed the following; 1. Put the car in reverse and reverse at a slow speed, such as reversing out of a parking bay. 2. Put the car into first and its as though the gear doesn't engage. She'll lift the clutch but its as though the car is in neutral. 3. Pop it into neutral and then second attempt into first, same thing happens. 4. About the 3rd time of doing the above, it'll go into gear and work (doesn't make any horrible grinding noises or anything like that. We still have a 1 month guarentee from the garage on the car which covers the engine and gearbox so we'll probably just it to them to investigate - but I'm curious as to what this could be? Any ideas? Driving through the gearbox is smooth, no horrible noises, no slips, all fine apart from this.
  20. If you're planning to sell at festivals they'll probably insist on it. Call the event organisers?
  21. anzo

    The Angry Thread.

    No such luck I guess!
  22. Can we close this thread now then?
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