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Everything posted by anzo

  1. anzo


    It's the advertising that pisses me off now - I don't mind advertising as long as it meets what I'm interested in. Currently I'm seeing adverts for 'secrets to getting ripped' and 'WWE Raw'. For those that have met me, I'm sure you'll confirm I'm not at all interested in 'getting ripped' or big men in Lycra. I keep threatening to close my account for the reasons named in previous posts - it has the potential to make your life boring. It's tuned less into about what people are up to and more into 'like this if you agree' or 'this is why you'll never understand the love of a mum, mothers love their kids more than you can possibly know and unless you're a mum you're f**k all'. If I plan social events, I text people or ring them. I can count on a handful of people that I want to be there and that I know will be there...why would I want to keep in touch with someone I went to school with and have spoken a sentence to since?
  2. anzo

    North Korea

    As long as North Korea wipe Kia Motors off the face l the planet...
  3. Sounds like M People lyrics...
  4. anzo


    Even less fun to watch when BBC news post the results up on their app before the highlights are shown. Why they can't just call it 'F1 results' without putting the winner in the headline I don't know...
  5. It's human nature to take the piss a bit, try not to take yourself or things people say too seriously. Be thankful they're mocking you to your face and not behind your back. Mocking someone face to face is often done in jest, don't give it a second thought!
  6. To turn it around slightly - with technology many big businesses have managed to cut air travel significantly due to advances such as video conferencing. Email has reduced in post, saving transportation costs. Technology has given us the means to store data electronically, reducing the need for paper. If people don't pursue technology then those companies have no funding to help invest in greener Solutions which could help save the planet.
  7. The disadvantage of the internet is that you can subconsciously search in favour of your argument. (I.e dismissing results which do not conform to what you want to hear) This is why I tend to believe nothing on the Internet. Of course there are academic papers which hold valid research to prove or dismiss such things, however I simply don't care enough to read them. At the end of the day not everyone is out to screw you over.
  8. I had a conspiracy theorist on Facebook. I pretty much quoted what Inur just said and he called me 'blind and unable to see past the bullshit fed to me' I deleted him. f**king moron.
  9. Explain why a weak antenna signal would knock off other systems? Explain what a monitor has to do with wireless connectivity? Explain why taking out the wireless network card would resolve anything? Right: have you tried setting your wireless adapter to a fixed IP address? Connect up successfully and note the IP address, subnet and gateway issued to your PC (start > run > type cmd > type ipconfig and press enter) You can then set your wireless adapter to a fixed IP address using the same subnet and gateway, but put your IP address out of the 'normal' range and see what happens. For example if you get IP address, try setting it to
  10. If people didn't work 12 hour says who would design the bikes you ride, who you manufacture them, who would work in another job to save money to start their own business to sell the bikes you ride. You work for what you get. You can chose to do stuff all and work part time for the rest of your life if you want, but what on Earth gives you the right to tell others not to work long hours just because you can't be arsed to.
  11. To be fair, I find the ultra fit people more annoying. Bragging about what they've done in the gym, Facebook status about how people who don't go to the gym are failures in life, the 'lads' who insist on wearing a XXS tee shirt outside in the middle of December.... I'd rather be a fat b*****d any day. (Ps, I'm neither fat nore muscle...Mr Average)
  12. anzo

    Phone geeks

    http://uk.blackberry.com/smartphones/blackberry-p9981/overview.html Edit: missed the slide out keyboard - so ignore my suggestion, but it's a nice looking phone!
  13. Tolleymatt Level 26 at the moment, been addicted to this game for a while now.
  14. Misdiagnosed cause of death? It's not that more or less people died of any disease, more that they didn't have the technology or skills to accurately diagnose such a disease.
  15. One woman threw up her own pelvis bone...it's a f**king disgrace.
  16. Shame she has to resort to sucking tampons to get attention, hardly suprising with the face of an ugly pig. It's probably real, it's probably fake - either way it's a depressing state of affairs that the Internet is being abused in such a way. It's this new generation of f**king idiots with their One Direction haircuts, lads with managed eyebrows and girls taking photos of themselves in the mirror with a 'I'm a dumb bimbo' look plastered on their makeup covered face that encourage this kind of shit (see the cup song, Justin Beiber and now this). I give up, f**king morons.
  17. I imagine the cost generated by the tax payer for cigarettes and booze somewhat cancels out some fireworks?
  18. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Tony Harrison" data-cid="2474863" data-time="1356437317"><p> Ok I finally found out where to tell the folder not to share. It does piss me off that Windows seems to enable sharing of the 'Users' folder by default if you select 'Home Network' as your wifi type.</p></blockquote> Yep - but it's a nice little feature. Means that everything on your home network is open as it assumes it is trusted. As long as your wifi is secure your don't really have much to worry about with it.
  19. Nope, any fire. Just get a monoxide detector, if it goes mental stop using it. Generally it should be ok, as above its not really different to having the door open. Just make sure you don't leave it slightly ajar as it can overheat and cause your chimney to catch fire.
  20. Evidently it wasn't the end of the world?
  21. They f**king come over here, we give em a house, a job a bloody Georgian calendar and they still think they can tell us when our world ends.
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