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Everything posted by anzo

  1. Best of the Internet...seriously?
  2. I'd rather guide my dad into my mum than help you.
  3. Inur (yes, I'm aware it's greetings, but preferred the username)
  4. anzo

    The Angry Thread.

    Got a link to the camera you have? I need one!
  5. anzo

    The Angry Thread.

    I think they're doing a new series of Dragons Den. Pull your finger out!
  6. Missed out in the national tv awards to Mrs Browns Boys - unbelievable.
  7. anzo

    The Angry Thread.

    Feel like I feel far too much time with my girlfriends family than I do just me and her. She's off uni for a weekend with no revision or anything after revising hard for exams. So, Friday night we go to a friends house, Saturday she goes out with her mum, Saturday night we watch a film with her mum, Sunday morning is breakfast with her mum, then to argos shortly together, then to her dads for dinner. So, a weekend of seeing each other and the only time we're together on our own is to fetch a f**king food processor from Argos.
  8. Rolf Harris Prince Charles David Jason And with any luck, Milly Cyrus
  9. Spell check is a wonderful thing. It just allows you to get the word right, but necessarily not in the order right.
  10. Photo or it didn't happen ...oh, wait!
  11. Haha, I'm only joking by the way, I really don't care.
  12. TF policy, therefore it never happened and you're a liar, a dirty f**king liar.
  13. Me and a friend shared a litre of vodka late last night; still pissed
  14. You're 23, but you sound like you're 60.
  15. That shit that you keep coming back?
  16. I mis-read the topic title and so I was severely disappointed.
  17. I'd assume that the people buying the top end 'Alienware' stuff know enough about computers to build them themselves. Have you looked into network engineering?
  18. Not sure how old you are but from my experience I wanted to do the same with the PC side of things; but I got bored with the 'hardware' side of things really quickly. I wanted to setup a business doing repairs for the home users, but what held me back was the ever reducing cost of laptops in the retail market - I'm sure people will quote macs at me and top spec laptops, but generally these devices are becoming disposable, but now the market is turning towards mobile computing, in business and home, and therefore I feel that the days of the home laptop user are numbered. I started out wanting to fix laptops and PCs, but where do you go from there? No room for improving your skill set in my honest opinion. In my current workplace, a laptop breaks - buy another one or get it on a 3 year warranty. A server breaks, we have a care plan so HP come and fix it for us. Laptop playing up - we have a server which installs everything for us automatically, plug it in and leave it. It all comes down to cost reduction and time saving. So in the end me stripping a laptop down to replace a motherboard is not a good use of my time or the companies time - so we crush it and buy another. I'm not putting your dreams down there, as much as It may sound that way, I guess it you're after happiness go for it, if you're after making a lot of money, I'd rethink if a bit.
  19. Cool! What's the best thing you've had there? And also the most expensive?
  20. I work in the IT sector for a large company. I travel between a couple of locations within the UK dealing with process implementation and project management, as well as handling 2/3rd line support which is great as you retain the knowledge and still learn on the job without the dull 1st line stuff - although I still have to deal with that on occasion. For those who care I deal largely with Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP system, powered on a Citrix environment, however we predict this to be replaced with SAP at some point in the near future. Additionally with a few inhouse applications. For the future, who knows. I would like to go more into the integration management side of things as it brings fresh challenges as well as the chance to travel, before I can do this I need to be PMI registered with much more experience required! The downsides - due to the size of the company we don't usually get to play with the old things I used to enjoy; it's central as seems to be the way of the IT world lately, which I guess it's a blessing in disguise, at least it's someone else's headache. Oh and audits...lots and lots of audits from both internals and externals. I've worked for the company for almost 10 years, and I love my job
  21. He lives in Leeds; that just isn't possible.
  22. anzo

    The Angry Thread.

    Firstly, photo. Secondly, men with managed eyebrows makes me sick.
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