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About jimbo

  • Birthday 10/16/1984

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  • Real Name
    James Lim
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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. Howdy, I've not ridden properly in well over a decade! but, I've finally got a bike up and running (thanks to Chai) and will be up for a ride sometime soon. Pretty busy with work schedule but would be good to meet. What days/time of day do you usually ride? 1a2bcio8
  2. jimbo

    Rowan Johns

    is it under your job description to be riding on the Walls of the houses you're delivering post to MR? you get a postman pat-on-the back when i next see you! whats all this about cracks and laughing gas, grrrrrr if you mean bumholes, then yes you are right mr staples.
  3. eloelo I'll be there, 11am shell. see you all there. jimbo
  4. hey, jimbo here. everyone's abandoning me to go to the worlds (N) (N) grrr if anyone fancies london, i should be there with davide and mr rodriguez shell 11am. ring me if you wanna meet: 07876 227201 jimbo
  5. http://www.somethingwrong.co.uk/crazy_frog_baseball/ have fun jimbo
  6. I'll be out riding, just wondering if anyone else will be out, or is thinking of coming down. If you ae drop me an email or phone/text me: jimbocool222@hotmail.com 07876 227201 cheers James
  7. elo I'm up for riding tomorrow, not ridden properly in ages. if anyones up for it see you then. james
  8. I'll be there sunday. I'll be around at about midday :S see you soon! jimbo
  9. back staying in london for a few weeks. dan its your turn to drive :lol: james
  10. oops, i forgot again. will need reminding tonight when i get home. olly, you're permitted to hassle me about it. didn't forget to put the fridge on my desk though.... james
  11. shhh.... keep this real quiet..... I'll have an assortment of frames and goodies, including: 1 pitbull 05 new version 2 black pythons. some forks, viz forks in fact. and lots of rims. They'll all be in the boot of my car, and if anyone wants any let me know i'm sure a deal can be arranged ....... hehehe james
  12. don't worry james, you'll get your hug (Y) i'll be there from whenever i get up. see eveyone thee, jimbo
  13. yo, i'll be out on wednesday, from about 2 ish, when i finish uni. cya then! jimbo
  14. ok, fridge next to the computer is a good idea..... stupid chai, everyones gonna see you puke :) (Y) olly, you'll pay (Y) start the vid some time tomorrow. jimbo
  15. grrrrr. olly,take that back, or I'll.... ah too much effort. i'll put as much stuff together of matt as I can...although there isn't as much as i'd hoped... jimbo
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