The laws the law. Regardless of how good your argument is, you or any person that lives in this country, take advantage of the free healthcare, decent policing, and a hell of alot handed to us on a plate. I know Britian can be a pretty crappy place at times but to be honest we get a pretty easy ride living in this country. I mean we moan about some shitty things really, anyone from a 3rd world country would just look at us and generalize us as snobs. Which i can totally understand. Everyone has a dig at the government all the time, but what they do actually give us is a pretty good damn lifestyle. And like i said, regardless of how good your argument is, you live in this country, and should abide by its laws. If you want to smoke a bit of weed, do it illegally, and accept the consequences, or go to somewhere you can smoke it legally. f**k off to a 3rd world country for a couple of years, then come back and complain about the things we have to 'put up with'. Its rather pathetic the things we manage to moan about sometimes... /rant