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Everything posted by Robwalker

  1. OH MY LORD. that was insane
  2. Unfortunately with trials not being as big as other cycling disiplines such as MTB or Road, there isnt the same kind of club enthusiam just like it... yet. And as a result british cycling havn't quiet caught on yet, so the support for clubs isn't really about. As oppose to being local trials clubs tend to be regional, as has been said, Hampshire bike trial club (HBTC) is your most local one. I'm struggling to find a website for them though, all i've found is a facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?v=wall&gid=6064097114). I think the guy you need to speak to is Terry Graves. If not him he'll definitely point you in the right direction. Im not sure if he's a member on the forum, but probably have a better chance sending him a message on facebook. Good luck getting into the sport! (its a pricey one though! )
  3. Unfortunately with trials not being as big as other cycling disiplines such as MTB or Road, there isnt the same kind of club enthusiam just like it... yet. And as a result british cycling havn't quiet caught on yet, so the support for clubs isn't really about. As oppose to being local trials clubs tend to be regional, as has been said, Hampshire bike trial club (HBTC) is your most local one. I'm struggling to find a website for them though, all i've found is a facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?v=wall&gid=6064097114). I think the guy you need to speak to is Terry Graves. If not him he'll definitely point you in the right direction. Im not sure if he's a member on the forum, but probably have a better chance sending him a message on facebook. Good luck getting into the sport! (its a pricey one though! )
  4. Unfortunately with trials not being as big as other cycling disiplines such as MTB or Road, there isnt the same kind of club enthusiam just like it... yet. And as a result british cycling havn't quiet caught on yet, so the support for clubs isn't really about. As oppose to being local trials clubs tend to be regional, as has been said, Hampshire bike trial club (HBTC) is your most local one. I'm struggling to find a website for them though, all i've found is a facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?v=wall&gid=6064097114). I think the guy you need to speak to is Michael Graves. If not him he'll definitely point you in the right direction. Im not sure if he's a member on the forum, but probably have a better chance sending him a message on facebook. Good luck getting into the sport! (its a pricey one though! )
  5. is it wrong that im too high to understand too many big words in one sentence?
  6. The laws the law. Regardless of how good your argument is, you or any person that lives in this country, take advantage of the free healthcare, decent policing, and a hell of alot handed to us on a plate. I know Britian can be a pretty crappy place at times but to be honest we get a pretty easy ride living in this country. I mean we moan about some shitty things really, anyone from a 3rd world country would just look at us and generalize us as snobs. Which i can totally understand. Everyone has a dig at the government all the time, but what they do actually give us is a pretty good damn lifestyle. And like i said, regardless of how good your argument is, you live in this country, and should abide by its laws. If you want to smoke a bit of weed, do it illegally, and accept the consequences, or go to somewhere you can smoke it legally. f**k off to a 3rd world country for a couple of years, then come back and complain about the things we have to 'put up with'. Its rather pathetic the things we manage to moan about sometimes... /rant
  7. i am so so so happy. f**k you simon cowell!
  8. how do they get the different colours in billy bear.... Always wondered that.
  9. http://www.thelaseredge.co.uk/ http://www.lasercuttingco.com/ http://www.yorkshirelaser.co.uk/ Nowhere seems to give prices, just asks to phone for quotes, which i'd imagine means its somewhat expensive. Is it a necessity that the sheet steel is laser cut. What sort of steel are look looking at. BMS, high carbon steel ect?
  10. Ouch! Be worth every penny though Are you staying in the UK for long?
  11. Got my ticket already! Im looking forward to Example! My money's on him being big next year!
  12. this has inspired me to watch our summer again. What an amazing summer that was too!
  13. Just on the ofchance, anyone selling/knows someone whos selling a 2" pugsport. I reaaaaaaaaaly need one
  14. first class willy. Probably a tonne of bullshit too dude, dont listen to him! Cant really give you much advice in this field, but i done a bit of traveling this year, its amazing to get away from home and do something! All the best of luck!
  15. f**king hell that had me in stitches for some reason.
  16. screwdriver inbetween the plates, and twist, so it pushes against them, and therefore outwards. Best and easiest technique i ever used at work.
  17. Wheel true? Disk rotor bent? cones tightened up?
  18. http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=3883 Pretty sure thats the one you need. Does it looks like the right kinda fit?
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