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Everything posted by Robwalker

  1. Yes it is a pain, altough i do think stereotyping these 'tards as chavs is quiet unfair. Once you get to know the majority of 'chavs' tend to be pretty friendly, and all my locals are not far off chavs themselves. I think the people that really cause the problems are the idiots that run around threatening/annoying and whatever else you said, and you should focus your anger on these rather than 'chavs' as a whole. Rob
  2. You want to see some of his vids, seriously there's some wikid riding spots around there, thats why im surprised no one else has really taken up the sport. Rob
  3. Shame about the bad day, we all have them, and about the older people its just something your goin to have to put up with, just laugh it off always works for me. Rob
  4. Ring up your local news and see if they can do a bit on the evening news for you, then ask anyone intersted in sponsering you to e-mail you whatever. Rob
  5. Cheers guys, thanks for all the helpful comments and ideas! There looking really nice, think im goin to have to re-think my idea, thank all of you for helping, i really like these, dont stop them coming! Thanks again Rob
  6. Some very good pics going on there, although they looked a bit crammed, but then it was probaly busy and a lack of room, but also i cant stand pictures where the heads have been chopped off Nice pics anyway keep up the good work Rob
  7. Nope, i really am that crap at making logos But you seei dont want it taking over the wholw site, the sort of thing you'd find on a sticker for example, Thanks for all your help so far. Rob
  8. Sorry, i think you may have got me confused with someone that actully gives a toss about what people on the internet say about me Christ if you dont have anything useful to say then why bother? Rob EDIT: And cheers to JT for the designs, what you use to do them on, i realy like the way they've been kept simple but manages to get a picture of someone ridin in there, (alot more helpful than others) thanks
  9. So basicly you just come to bitch, but its not even new sidders said it, in all fairness you are a bit of a cock, but whatever fills your fantasies. Rob
  10. In all fairness the logo isn't going to be the main focus of the website, just a lil picture up ip the corner ect, i want to keep it a nice and simple website with a logo to match. Rob
  11. Snope, hence the reason for this, and if you have any suggestions then please tell tell tell Thanks Rob
  12. Lol sorry only realised after i'd clicked submit Up now Rob
  13. [attachmentid=4562] The winning logo will be on the medwaytrials.co.uk website, also any choices of colours you may have are welcome. Thanks for your help Rob
  14. Hehe fake No i really am that brainless And done suppose anyones got the video pleaaaase, add me onto msn probaly be easier (address in sig), and that was a wikid day, and the train journy wasn't my idea to go the long way Cheers Rob
  15. Wahooo thats mad i want one, where you buy them on Imagine what the police must be thinking, 'ha! weve got him its only a.....' *VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* 'Buga'
  16. Looks very nice, like the paint job and the variation in colours, but somehow it still manages to look all equal. Hows it ride? Rob
  17. hmmm they look pretty decent quality aswell, think i may invest in a set But no i've never heard of them until now, but from first impression cant say im dissapointed, look pretty good Rob
  18. Ring up then send cast/postal order in post, its the most easiest and safeest way ive use. Always helpful on the phone aswel. Rob
  19. Hey Risers if your going 24 deff, but i dont know too much about the wheels, if it can be done do it . And as for tyres i tend to like a 2-2.1ish on the front and a 2.5ish on the rear. Rob
  20. Lol i always love a bit of parkour when out riding, its fun Nice pics some good shots/angles Rob
  21. Mee want to see too So i thought i'd gove you a hand First of all go down to below the typing box and you should see this, [attachmentid=4536] Click on the 'Browse' Button [attachmentid=4537] Now Browse around for the picture on your computer files, when found click 'open' [attachmentid=4538] Now click on the 'Add This Attachment' [attachmentid=4539] Give it a second to upload then click on 'Add into post', type what you have to and then click 'Add relply'(at bottom of page) Hope i've helped Rob
  22. Rainham trainstation at 9.15 latest for those going my way. Should be a good day, oh and ticket is £5.15 Rob
  23. What songs get you in the mood for summer, in a very possitive mood ect. There's a couple i like, Dario G - Sunchyme Faitless - We come one You know the type im on about, what songs get you in the mood for summer? Rob
  24. How to get validated in one post So dont go moaning if u talk crap and dont get validated. Also i agree with the ZOO! pads on a smooth rim with a bit of tar, the tar is at just the right temperatre andi find it bites very good. Rob
  25. Them guys are amazing!! How theyve got the guts to try some of that stuff god knows! Kudos to them Rob
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