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Everything posted by Robwalker

  1. Spot on guys, i didn't realise it was integration by parts! 1/4 is the correct answer, but i just couldn't see the steps to get there, now i fully understand. Good old TF never lets me down, cheers everyone!
  2. Robwalker

    Math Help

    How does ? I can't work it out. Im using the standard integral rule that integral of e^ax dx = (1/a)e^ax Any help is much appreciated.
  3. all of my bedtime activities involve full PPE
  4. as above + goggles. Better to eliminate the possibility that just reduce it.
  5. No, you wouldn't, and i wouldn't, but only because i've been trained, and have heard horror stories about it. If you take the time to read that article, you'll find that the guy, Ken, did not have downs syndrome. What he lacked was any experience, knowledge, and goggles, that is all. Granted the quantities were larger, but still, the chemicals were the same. Stop being so stubborn and take advice from a blind man who went wrong, a blind man who ruined his, and 37 of his colleagues lives.
  6. A young rider who has had no experience and comes onto a forum for some advice on safety and method. Grow up, accept responsibility, and maybe you could stop someone from hurting themselves by making them aware of the dangers involved. I'm sure when you started your work on 200c acids you had some training, or did you? Because apparently it's as simple as cooking, and everyone knows how to do that.
  7. sounds like all that acid has eroded your common sense. It takes 2 seconds to put on some goggles, time can't buy a new set of eyes. Chemicals are scary, there's no being a man about it, don't f**k up your life, and don't f**k up anyone else's. Its called responsibility.
  8. stop being a pussy? People like you f**k me off, no compliance for your own safety, all you care about is yourself and not how your actions could f**k up someone else's life. is a guy who lost his wife, home, and eyesight from caustic soda. It's dangerous stuff, you had it right in the first place with goggles. http://www.hsmemagazine.com/article.php?article_id=589 “There was a set of goggles three foot in front of me,” said Ken. “The moment I made the choice not to put them on, I destroyed my family’s normal life. I cost the company £2.6 million. I put 35 people into counseling.”
  9. is the axle length protruding the dropouts? It sounds like your bolts are not done up tight enough, and this could be a reason. They need to be sitting inside the dropouts, try and take a bit off with a file if it's poking out... if you see what i mean.
  10. Robwalker


    Millets have got some awesome deals on, and if you search online there's a discount code to use at the checkout that gives you another 10% off. Got a really nice burghaus thermal top and jacket for about £80! www.millets.co.uk
  11. i'd put alot of money on your 'straight' friend becoming gay towards the end of his teenage years.
  12. did you go onto www.paypal.co.uk, or did you click a link. With any banking you should always enter the address manually and double check it's correct. A big scam is to set up an almost identical website with a typo in the domain name, and then use a method like the one above, to try and get you to hand over your details.
  13. Another vote for a second hand hope XC/Mono, it's what i first had and for the price i paid for it, i don't think you'll get a better hub.
  14. p.s. the water meter may be under a little cover in the street. took me ages to find mine. Also i'm with southern water and i think i only get mine twice a year...? .......e as your bills are paid automatically. You can choose when in the month the payment is made, giving you greater control over your money. You can pay either yearly, twice a year or monthly, spreading the cost over the whole year. You can pay by Direct Debit whether you receive sewerage services only....... https://www.southernwater.co.uk/DomesticCustomers/payingYourBill/directDebit.asp could yours be set to yearly?
  15. Im banning you for not pointing out the lack of grammar in the previous post. easy points, lost.
  16. i take that back http://www.106owners.co.uk/forums/archive/index.php/t-63668.html http://www.avforums.com/forums/car-entertainment-ice-sat-nav/314258-help-please-removing-front-speakers-peugeot-106-a.html Drill the f**kers out and ask around your mates for a set of clincher nuts... like pop rivets but a million times better
  17. they shouldn't be riveted in...
  18. Robwalker

    Joe Oakley

    just seen him have an interview on daybreak. I don't watch Britain's got talent so was a bit of a surprise. But just like Rich said, a great ambassador for the sport! All the best Jo!
  19. Robwalker


    A nostalgic video, just a few clips i found on a DV tape and thought i'd put a quick video up, i really want to get back into riding this summer, maybe have a whole video!
  20. good luck mate! Enjoy the accent, looks like you've bagged it.
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