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Everything posted by Robwalker

  1. Robwalker


    If your walkin back from where ever at some stupid time of night, then yeah they go down great, and by the time you get home your too pissed to stay awake so it doesnt affect you much. But you feel like shit in the morning. Not really woth it, remember when i took them xstals things for like 3 days and didnt sleep, that was the shittest time ever i couldnt even find the effort to get out of bed for 3 days after. Dont bother, jus eat an apple or something healthy like anzo said.
  2. Sorry its OT, but why does it change the abreviations and then underline them with dots? like to be honest and imo ?
  3. Shamless Series 4 Channel 4 - 10pm Cant wait im addicted to that show
  4. Shame its just not practical. Too business man like for me. Can see that screen getting scrached to f**k when in my pockets. Can you imagine taking that on a ride and having it in your pocket when falling over ect... Nice, just not practical.
  5. Well let me be the first to wish you the best of luck. And offer you some helpfull advice. Now im sure your alot more educated than me in business, but youve got to think slowly. I know its all exciting starting out a business, but dont plan too far ahead. Like you was saying about how your going to finsh the product. What you really want to do is sit down and have a good long think about what sort of products you want to be making. A company name/Logo will also help alot. And you say about emailing in. Think of your competitors such as heatsink and fresh products, how are you going to show your products. Need a website? Also theres the cost of the company, TAX? (which im sure you all know about). But you see where im going here, alot more thought needs to be put in before you even think of starting the company and designing testing. But good luck with it all and i wish you the best of luck.
  6. YES! Im nt working, no exams, girlfriend can wait i hav'nt ridden in ages! And i finally get to meet fat pants... woo...
  7. Your mad fred, why arnt you sponserd yet?
  8. 45 WPM 75 Words Typed 19 Mistakes 11.4 Mistakes Per Minuite haha, i suck
  9. Bigman.zip In .wmv format for ease. Funny as though, atleast trials got a mention on national radio, alongside neil on the BBC, What next ay? Competition Coverage?
  10. Arron I'Anson done this coming back from hereford, when he had to go on the tube, it was fine. But he did proper dismantle his bike, and put the frame in his backpack. Have you checked for sure how far away she is from your main station, the underground map isnt actully very accurate scale wise.
  11. Shouldnt this been in the FS/Wtd Section
  12. Personally im not liking the look of these. Until there is any real information brought out on them, what type of metal how its made weight ect, i cant see any advantage over maguras. My guess is tonnes of problems before they come to a half decent standard, and that'll take a good two years to rectify.
  13. Robwalker


    lol [attachmentid=8925]
  14. Robwalker


    that would be me haha
  15. Robwalker


    Haha that was me with the ms1
  16. Hey, in the end i decided on this CD, but i couldnt find it anywhere where abouts did you get it from dude? I'd really prefer the CD but if its one of them iTunes store type download thingy then i dont really mind. Cheers
  17. Herne bay gets boring... very Quick. Try folkstone thats interesting. Been a long time since ive been on a group ride there. Maybe one in the new year? But if your not too far away deffinatly try and get to London. Where in kent you from pal?
  18. Tips to get validated quickerUse the Spell Checker, it doesnt take long!Dnt use txt tlkUse descriptive topic titles, try not to use topic titles such as 'help!', 'Problem with....', 'where', and instead try and put as much information in as possibleTry and put as much information into your posts as possible, don't leave people guessing what you mean (this is not MSN!)Do not spam/post irrelevant messagesDont get involved in arguments, use the report button. If you are argumentative you seriously reduce your chances of getting validatedDo NOT post new threads asking when you will be validatedDo NOT post new threads asking why you cant post anywhere elseFor Sale/Wanted/Swap threads are not allowed in New Members ChatDo NOT email us when you realise you cant post anywhere elseDo NOT cross post between Members Chat forums and New Members ChatHarassing Admins/Moderators via PM/Email/MSN WILL NOT get you validated any faster
  19. Ok dont worry about me Ive not stopped riding you know, just load of overtime this christmas. You wait till after. Ill have no work appart from my contracted hours. Which is one weekend every other week. So if im still welcome ill be up too ? Nice bike man have fun ridin it lucky bugger
  20. Very true, but what about people who rely on these people for a living. If everyone could do there own thing then there would be no need for mechanics?
  21. Dont be silly. But thanks eveyone! Still yet to choose, hmm mite be a name in a hat jobbie.
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