ICT - £18 Psycology - £18 Pysics - £16 £52 Dont get f**king Ema, have to slave my arse away working, and spent most of this month money already. Yeah true if i had tried harder i wouldnt have to spend so much. But its not asif i was even close to getting a E. Starting to doubt wether the retakes are going to be worth it. Worst thing is im gunna have to ask my parents to lend me the money, and there going to go spare about my results. Also it has to be paid by next friday otherwise its double fee. f**king school is bollaks Im so pissed off though, last year in ICT i got a B, and then in Business and communication (Business related ICT) i got an A. Ive also got full marks on one bit of my coursework this year. Im jus so f**king frustrated at the moment. Arrrrrgh