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Everything posted by Robwalker

  1. Please,anyone? Im really desperate
  2. Yep thats perfect thanks. Any more takers? Please?
  3. Ok guys much thanks for all your help and stuff. This is pissing me off now so ive jus knocked this one up quickly. Hope a couple of you wouldnt mind filling it out for me?
  4. I did start with that but decided it would be too widespread? and i couldnt really sort of narrow it down if you get where im going. Im really liking that idea and will probaly use it, its just the "What do you like to find in a magazine" is a bit to widespread. Hmmm its really hard to explain. Thanks for your help though its much appreacheted!
  5. Im doing A/S media studies. Ive decided to do a trials specific magazine and need to do a questionaire as part of my research. However im totaly confused as exactly what i should be asking to find out what you would like to find in the magazine. If you could think of any questions please just post them in the topic. I need to get this questionairre in this week Thanks for all the help! EDIT: Got it sorted now, either copy or paste it into a reply or download this and upload it in another post. Thankyou! Questionnaire.doc
  6. Or because you dont want to make a fool of yourself? Although i must say i do adore your pathetic attempt at a comeback. However... Well, just doesnt work does it? And to both of you two, seriously... Um ? I dont know how you got from being able to cycle legaly on paths, to riding street trials? Im not saying that trials isnt crinimal damage, infact i can come up for a number of reasons for and against. But am i wrong to be thinking that members of the forum and trials community should atleast try to support the sport? But anyway lets keep it on topic eh?
  7. Nice to see support for our support from one of the 'senior' members from the forum. In what way is it criminal damage? Damaging the pavements with my tyres? Sort it out you stuck up, tunnel visioned, prickface, f**k.
  8. Nice vid man, had a ryte nice flow to it. Well chilled out. In the mood for gettin stoned now lol. Keep up the good riding though your wel beast onth echo. xxxxxxxxx
  9. mmmmmmmmmm im well drunk, love you all. Someone put vodka in my fosters nd i am wnoew well drunnk and i fet to f**k my gdf haha and she got one of them vibration tihings for mycock. Tasha says hello by the way. oh my god i ve got work tomorow wtf wankers i work at hell frauds lol love ugt alll.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  10. Haha. Dont cry anal. To be fair i can see him being another Spindle lmao. 'Oi m8 u gotz 1 of dem pyfons 4 sail?'
  11. Yeeeeesh jus got stoned to get over these f**kin results. f**kin schol and teachers can go f**k emselfs, Havnt even told my rents yet haha. Im in so much shitt, but i dont care im too chilled to care about anythig right now.
  12. ICT - £18 Psycology - £18 Pysics - £16 £52 Dont get f**king Ema, have to slave my arse away working, and spent most of this month money already. Yeah true if i had tried harder i wouldnt have to spend so much. But its not asif i was even close to getting a E. Starting to doubt wether the retakes are going to be worth it. Worst thing is im gunna have to ask my parents to lend me the money, and there going to go spare about my results. Also it has to be paid by next friday otherwise its double fee. f**king school is bollaks Im so pissed off though, last year in ICT i got a B, and then in Business and communication (Business related ICT) i got an A. Ive also got full marks on one bit of my coursework this year. Im jus so f**king frustrated at the moment. Arrrrrgh
  13. When ever really, what sort of time you guna be in chatham, i need to know so i can let everyone else know when im going.
  14. U in psycology U in ICT U in Pysics f**king pissed off the least. The cost of f**king resits is bollaks. Grrrrrrrrrr
  15. Yey yey please do, i come ride with you at lunch Im the one that works in halfords by the way.
  16. But the sound waves would travel and then into our atmosphere?
  17. WOW! Haha thats class, so going up in the bar on friday night when im stoned. Crazy
  18. Pete wright has a pair of these and is testing them for Magura at the moment. Honest.. He told me.
  19. All went tits up, we didnt get any funding or resourses, or even told what sort of price we could be looking at. f**kin council all they care about is new homes for illegal immigrants.
  20. Anyone know where i can buy the actual dvd from?
  21. Do you mean this one? (Click on party trailer) I dont know the name but would also like to know what it is:)
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