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Everything posted by Robwalker

  1. Its really shit, your such a great rider too =( Hope all heals soon, and i get my arse in gear and do some riding! xx
  2. If it was in reason, such as i had derseved it then yes i would want to thump you, but i could see why you think this. This is the reason i dont compete, trials shouldnt be about being better than the next person, it should be about enjoying yourself, and for some sad arsed willy to try and take trials away from someone, in my eyes is just sick. This person is obviously blind to the real meaning of trials, needs to look beyond what he thinks he knows. I dont personally know waynio, but i do know he is a very well respected and popular trials rider. Whatever happend to f**king democracy, why dont the supporters and fans of trials have a say in this?
  3. I thought it was you lol, i served you in halfords. Im rob if you dont remember you came to rainham one time to ride for a bit. Im finding it hard trying to find time to ride at the moment, but fancy meeting up for a ride sometime?
  4. Soldier of fortune two double helix multiplayer test. Its free download and runs on just about anything.
  5. That would be a bad idea, they would just slip and fall out under enough pressure.
  6. Day one of playing pinball. I have found it addictive, my goal in life is now to get above fatpants in the TF leaderboard. I will defeat him...
  7. Stick to the pound for pretty much all the other reasons that have been said in this thread, does anyone else think that withing a couple of thousand years or so the whole world will be one race?
  8. My Girlfriend (she uses tonnes of it) (on her lips) This is just looking bad however i say it.
  9. Think it was rich pearson? Done that sort of define this video, he used Lux Aterna in it then.
  10. Thats stupid, the speed limit is the speed limit, its there for a reason, even that advert shows how much of a difference 5mph makes. And is it really worth the extra 5mph? Which is probaly only going to get you where your going to about a minuite quicker?
  11. 648 hundred million lol, i think so anyway,
  12. I think its amazing how he can actully sing good too, and his lyrics are proper down to earth, none of this hoe pimpin sluts bitch thing. Well he does say about it, but in the right sort of context. Did you get his mixtape from myspace?
  13. Robwalker


    The actual file, right click, go open with, then choose windows media player, see if that works?
  14. Call me a fanny, but i think dave trials is a bit of an arse, he makes no attempt to make his posts half decent, stick him in NMC under a different username and see if he could get validated.
  15. Trials Shack is worth £3,786 ...
  16. Robwalker


    Right Click save link as?
  17. Found it =D Nina Simone - Sinnerman! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSasf8GBfV4
  18. I dont have the song or the epposode to play it =( I just saw it tonite on e4.
  19. Long shot, but at the end of a scrubs epposode, a christmas one, where turk looses faith in god. Then he runs and finds that preggers girl, theres a song playing in the background goes somthing like Lord where you gunna run to? Lord where were you? Its got like a quiet upbeat tone to it. Ill try and find the video for it, but anyone know it?
  20. All this HD stuff is pretty new on the market, for a deffinate answer your probaly best trying to talk to Currys or Dixons, my guess is that the standard RGB cables cant hold the ammount of information sent by the HD signal, thus you only get a normal picture, no HD quality, so you will need to get some sort of HD cable. It would say in the xbox manual or on the box if it comes with it or not surely? Im not aware of the differences on the two types of cable though.
  21. It works lol, if i cant sleep i jus have a smoke and im off to fairy land, or it goes the other way, i get wayyy paranoid and stay up all night because i think my girlfriends shagging some other bloke. How stupid haha. Oh and i punch my girlfriend in the face when im 'sleeping' Not all the time though, the odd occasion like, but she normaly wakes up with the rite arse the next mornin, aww bless her.
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