1, Radfax 2, Sir hops alot 3, Skoze and some bmx bandits (they're sound guys) 4, Harmertrials 5, Clarkey 6, Clawz114 7, Daryll 8, Sam 9, Darren 10, George 11, Lankyri (if he is not to wasted the next morning ) 12,ANDY-MBK-RIDER(wow cant wait now this is going to be some big turnout if everyone shows up! ) 13, El Christoff 14, Ash Kennard 15, Craig Walker 16, Glen 17, Boss/ Tom 18, Ryan RS 19, baz 20, Chris ward.. for definate i know 21, adrian J 22, about 5-6 local BMX lads 23, dan more smile.gif if any one else goes from my ends 24. Medway Trials lol, be nice to get the old crew out and have a good london ride, i wonder if shell will be open?