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Everything posted by Robwalker

  1. I remember one summer, me and Sam F. We're next door neigbours. He was having some work done on his drive? (a steep f**king slope) and there happened to be a big pile of sand right at the bottom. Being 11 and having a BMX you can pretty much imagine what was going to happen. Thing is. Sam used to have this awful stutter haha. I flew down the drive, over this pile of sand and just faceplanted into the ground. I was in tears and screaming on the ground. Sam ran to his mum, but where there was so much adrenaline pumping it somehow enhanced his stutter. Took about 5 mins before his bro came over and told her what happend instead. Haha good times!!!!!
  2. I broke up with my ex for specifically this reason. Well and a few others. I think its just one of them things where some people think one thing, and others think another. If your relationship means that much then try and take a step back and think is it really worth arguing over. Half of breaking up is making up.
  3. arn't they advertising one from curries or dixons or something like that for about that price?
  4. I thought that, hence why i took it. And it can be, if you just want to sit back, do the coursework and breeze through it. Bit i found i actually had a genuine interest for British cinema and the subject opened up a whole new world in a way for me. And it can take you somewhere. Do you know how Shane Meadows started?
  5. If your doing 6th form, take media studies. First year is boring but the second year is all British cinema. Quality.
  6. ID Essex Boys Cass Sweet 16 Rise of the Footsoldier This is England Sommertown Mean Machine Dead mans shoes Sexy Beast Nil By Mouth Love Honor and Obey That's all i can think of at the mo
  7. You'll get arrested on 'theft by finding' Its what they do all the druggies on for stealing bags from outside the charity shops. If you was to do it then try and do it properly. Go the the council and ask if you can have it or what their policy is on abandoned bikes. At the end of the day doing what you originally planned to do it illegal.. So don't do it.
  8. Let this be a lesson to us all, and leave it at that. I have ALOT of respect for Mike, and this hopefully will raise awareness about safety within the cycling industry. Hope to see him back on a bike soon!
  9. Paypal are the scammers with the ammount they charge. Why not have a feedback / points system like ebay?
  10. Also found out today they the BS standard for truing wheels is that it can be out by upto four millimeters. So he's got no argument there!
  11. Get the silver bit over the top of the vice with the axle inbetween the two jaws if you get what i mean. Then hit that fanny with a hammer and it will all come appart. Hit the axle btw. P.S i dont know if you can get it back together after doing this....
  12. OK the price may be a bit steep, but you should know better than anyone that cables stretch, this idea eliminates any maintenance at all
  13. What did everyone make of the 09 durace groupset, interesting or what?
  14. Robwalker


    Any more info on exactly how to get there, and how long its open for? A website?
  15. Who was the first to produce the Front Freewheel system and when ?
  16. Dont know if the first solution was solved Paid 10 each = £30 Given 3 pounds back = £30 - £3 = £27 Receptionist keeps £2. £27 - £2 = £25 It tricks you onto adding the £2 instead of subtracting it like you should do!
  17. Halfods can still get a few Koxx's through. Which you can get on credit. Not too sure on the entire range but go into your local Halfords and ask. If they say 'We dont sell them' say that Rob at Chatham 724 said we can and they can ring me if they want. Its under Monty in the Bikehut Product Finder.
  18. She changes her hair colour alot Her little brother is amazing And shes all mine =)
  19. DONT PUT FAIRY LIQUID INTO YOUR HOSSSSSSE! epic fail if this post is too late lol
  20. Whilst on the subject, is there any other difference between the pro 2 and the pro 2 trials?
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