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Everything posted by BeNNy

  1. I agree And wear a helmet when your alone??
  2. Name: Benny Fung Address: Holbeach, Lincolnshire. Good luck
  3. Echo fixed hub I've had mine for donkeys, no problems at all... Benny.
  4. Anyone have 'Raunchy - The Devil'?? Its the one of the 'Spiderman' vid from Johan Brundin & Peter Backgren. Thanks..
  5. How old are you ~ 11-16 ~ How many bikes do you own (not just trial bikes) ~ 2 ~ Have you ever had a bike stolen? ~ No ~ If yes how many bikes have you had stolen? Do you live an area where theft is an issue? ~ No ~ Do you own a bikelock, and do you think that it provides adequate protection? ~ Yes ~
  6. BeNNy


    This 'Smarterchild' thing added me today on msn. It describes itself as: SmarterChild says: I'm SmarterChild. I'm a smart computer that you can chat with about all kinds of things. Type "home" to see what I can do. It actually answers questions you ask it e.g ßĀʼnάŇ¥ says: what you doing? SmarterChild says: I'm just hanging out online, IMing people... Hey, can I ask you a few questions? ßĀʼnάŇ¥ says: what questions? SmarterChild says: What questions? I have no idea. ßĀʼnάŇ¥ says: ? SmarterChild says: OK, please tell me what you're trying to do. ßĀʼnάŇ¥ says: make me SmarterChild says: Yup. OK. Whatever. ßĀʼnάŇ¥ says: whats the weather like tomorrow? SmarterChild says: Which of the following do you mean? 1 What are the current weather conditions? 2 What is the weather forecast? Pretty Interesting me thinks If your bored and have nothing to do add him 'smarterchild@hotmail.com'. Benny
  7. Thanks for that But i cant find it from anywhere Do you think you could upload it or send it through msn please?? Benny
  8. 1. Rear maggie 05. Front Disc 'Louise'. 2. A grind. 3. Heatsink blues on the rear. Pads that came with my Louise on the Front. 4. Magura oil.
  9. Try E-mailing this company in Hong Kong 'www.biketrialstation.com', there e-mail's on there website. They have the 'ZHI' stuff in stock. When i went to this shop, i asked how much it would cost to send a frame over to england, the guy said about $500 HK dollars, which is about £45-8? Not quite sure. So they may be able to sort something out for you. Benny
  10. Nice pictures. Really liked the last 2 Looks like the weather was good
  11. BeNNy

    New Tattoos

    http://www.observedtrials.net/vb/showthread.php?t=19203 Not mine, but saw it on 'Observed Trials'. Looks quite silly IMO
  12. Anyone know the song of this vid?? I want it
  13. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....topic=69816&hl= Some good tips on there
  14. Spinksy as in Bob??? Anyway, There isnt much difference in the 06 and the 05 Python. I've been on both of them and can't really tell the difference between them, both really nice to ride. You could get the 05 as its cheaper, or the 06 as its newer Benny
  15. That vid was amazinggg Really like the spins Nice one
  16. What about the 20" Aorta frame? 1010 wheelbase, looks quite nice.
  17. Hey, Welcome to the forum. Your bike sounds nice, got any pictures??
  18. HHmmm...How about stuff like cotton reels, pallets, gigantic wheels from tractors Etc... stuff like that?? And i will be going...I think Benny
  19. Probably, but it really depends on what the condition of it is like.
  20. It needs tightening - I think.
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