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Everything posted by BeNNy

  1. Where did you get your tyres from???
  2. I have my tyres Medium/Harsh, just so that i dont rim it On the front its normally softy-ish for me cos it just feels better. I ride street by the way..
  3. Looks veryyy nice. Where did you get them tyres from? I cant find them anywhere...
  4. Wooooooot. Wanted Switzerland to win.
  5. Yeah, Would look really nice with 2 black tyres
  6. Why does every hate Hargreaves?
  7. Another Bump? Dont you think you've had enough? Nice review anyway
  8. Its an 04? isnt it?
  9. Yeah, it does look better built up. The photoshopped version looked really nice.
  10. Nice bike Is it me, or is that chain a bit dodgey??
  11. Didnt know there mounts were on the other side of the forks
  12. Cool shots. What forks are they on the Python?
  13. [attachmentid=5594] Found this on my comp
  14. You better delete this one then Nah, had a go on this bike. Lol, Its does feel weird...Like a BIG egg in you wheel, but worse
  15. Was it like a bike show sort of thing, where they let you test out 'weird' bikes? Like, Choppers, Mini bikes, Unicycles etc? Remember when i saw one of these 'show' things, they had a bike with your description, Also a Onza mini bike
  16. D'you mean the Snail cams on it?
  17. Yup. I made a DVD rack. Its probably the easiest
  18. Coool pics Was this the GCSE ride thats in the rides/location bit that was organised a while ago?
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