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Everything posted by BeNNy

  1. BeNNy

    Bee Hive.

    Lol, Ive been jumping around in the shed where the bee hive is under..and they start making reallllllllllllllly loud noises.
  2. Nice bikes. Python looks wellll nice. Did you measure out the white line drawing on the Maxxis? or just guessed where it'd be?
  3. Just wondering, which part of China are you in?
  4. BeNNy

    Bee Hive.

    Nah...I like killing
  5. BeNNy

    Bee Hive.

    We rang the Bee people today, They said we could either get them to do it...they would have to take the shed apart etc... Or, we could leave them cos they said they will leave in October/November time. I would say get them to take the shed apart, but the shed is realllllllllly old anyway so if they take it apart it would probably mean buying a new shed too HMmmmmmmmMmmm.... What d'you think?
  6. They escaped from the gay bar.
  7. Just found one from a while ago.. [attachmentid=6102] [attachmentid=6103]
  8. New rims??? Is it gonna be like....If its a Zoo! rim it'll have a 'Z' for the drilling? and a 'E' drilling for Echo etc...?
  9. I think hes the one who had the T-Mag...and you said he had loads of tar
  10. OooOooo..Looking good Dont like the angle in the 2nd pic though..dunno why Nice bike.
  11. BeNNy

    Emo Girls

    This 'Normal' enough for you Sam?
  12. BeNNy

    Pay Pal

    How long does it take for them to send 2 small sums of money?????
  13. BeNNy

    Bee Hive.

    Well, Went to buy some foam thing to get rid of bee hives etc.. Got bored so sat in garden and waited for them Got 6 of them in 30-45 minutes.. As you can see, one was a big-un..
  14. BeNNy

    Bee Hive.

    Just tried smoking them out, did work a bit. Only a few came out They're really hard to get to cos its right in the corner of the shed and the garden..So trying to throw things at it probably wont work
  15. BeNNy

    Bee Hive.

    Lololol. I actually want to set fire to the shed but mum wont let me and neighbours would complain etc... Was hoping the poking the stick under the shed one would work, but it gets stuck half-way through and wont go any further. Will have to try couple of these crazy ideas then
  16. BeNNy

    Bee Hive.

    Lol..Some good ideas Think we might try and somke them out... If not, we'll get someone else to do it for us. And i'll get pics if i get stung
  17. BeNNy

    Bee Hive.

    Rightio.. We've found a bee hive under our shed, its been there for about 2-3 weeks now So we thought its about time we'd done something about it i.e get rid of it. Its right at the end of the shed, so its hard to get.. I've tired poking it with a stick but couldnt reach, also been squirting water at it, still not worked. <<-- Probabaly the crappest ways of trying to get rid of it Anyone have any ideas???? Probably gonna see if i can squeeze through the side of the shed then spray it...
  18. Ahahaha. Its not me that want it. Its the place where Cooper works 'J R Cycles'. I snapped it! Lol.
  19. Would this one do??
  20. Oh... Erm...Can someone link me to some sites that sell them please.
  21. Right.... I'm looking for this: [attachmentid=6051] [attachmentid=6052] Need to find the exact one... Its the star tool thing to tighten discs, it says ' CR-MV 25 ' on it... Thanks.
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