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Everything posted by BeNNy

  1. Haha! John Coopers frame? He was a bit of a sicko
  2. BeNNy

    Pad Reviews

    Have you tried putting water on them to bed?
  3. BeNNy

    Benny Vid 3!

    You might as well post the picture. YOU SAD ACT!
  4. Did you install the C.D first? Or plugged the I-POD in then installed the C.D? When i did my Nano..I plugged it in the computer first then inserted C.D and it didnt work.
  5. BeNNy

    Benny Vid 3!

    Thanks for the comments! Keep them coming....
  6. BeNNy

    My Bicycle

    Looks good Hudson!!! Nice and shiney Shame about the wheel
  7. Put it on google video Joe! Just fo me cos im at college
  8. Lol! Cool pics Joe. You with them glasses.. Looked fun!
  9. BeNNy

    Benny Vid 3!

    Yeah. I know what you mean..tis why i thought i might as well get rid of these clips... Gonna try get more moves in my next video hopefully!!! And the music, i was gonna change it but havent had much time. Also gonna use movie maker next time cos the crackly noises in the vid annoys me!! So yeh..Next vid will have more different moves in, and diferent kind of music Could do with more comments pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee Thanks! EDIT: Oh yeah Mike, Yeah some of the clips are from hunstanton
  10. What did the magic tractor do? ..It 'turned' into a field..
  11. Nike Airrrrr fo riding... K-swiss velcro's fo casual
  12. BeNNy

    Benny Vid 3!

    Yo! Just finished off my latest vid.. Not very long..Only 2:07, thought i'd get rid of some old footage so i can make a new vid soon.. Hopefully my next vid will have alot more stuff in it! Leave a comment please! Engngngogolie
  13. NICE bike Ben!!! Yeah..Hes a smooth rider..
  14. Nice videoo Mike! Liked it alot! Looking forward to your next one
  15. Dont think he has... But ill have a look now, COS IM SO BORED AT COLLEGE THAT IM ON MSN!
  16. Yeeeah... I should be there with JonCon
  17. Look well nice Those pads are well close to the rim....
  18. Loooking good Biff! Vid should be good
  19. Lol! Yeah.. quite good That womans well crazy
  20. Haha! Anyone watching it?? Pretty funny....
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