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smelly joe

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Everything posted by smelly joe

  1. ill deffonatly be up for this if my ankle is all healed up, stupid ligaments if not then ill just come along with swize for the day as a child minder
  2. Does anybody know anygood website to revise from, because im struggeling to find any that are decent any help would be appreiceated
  3. Ill be out of this ride now, due to me tearing all the ligaments in my ankle and being unable to ride, but ill defonatly be on dan's pubcrawl!!
  4. ive got to do unit 1, 2 and 3 tommorow for physics with aqa, its gonna be a nightmare come true for me. all the stuff ive done at the start of the year i now have no clue about! and revision is going nowhere for me! i just hope i remeber all the equations or else im truely screwed, and the data sheet dosent explain anything!
  5. Nice bike, shame about the car, spoils the picture, stupid vectra's i agree, blue stickers would make it look damn PIMP
  6. God Damn, ill see if i can try and get some time off work. hopefully should be there, no promises though
  7. Was gonna come if it was on the sunday! got work on the saturday so i cant, im sure most the worcstershire crew might be up for it though.
  8. Nicer without all the stickers!! Shame about that backwheel though, spoils the bike
  9. Yup its actually pretty stupid, ill have to ride in full body armour to stop me killing myself when it slips, which i can garaunte(sp) will happen a hell of a lot. would get a try-all but i don't have the cash, i guess i could line my monty with a lot of old tubes!
  10. I got a monty tyre with the yellow line round it and i cant wait to get rid of it!! I keep puncturing it even running 50 psi, its so damn annoying, plus running high pressures to stop pinching just takes all the bounce out anyway!!! I'm tempted to use sticky fingers just for the sheer thickness of the side walls on them!!!
  11. true, it still be a beast to ride though
  12. does this mean that the one that is going to be relesed will fit the likes of echo and tensile cranks, while the one you got will only fit koxx cranks??
  13. Hey, welcome to the forum And on the frame side of things, if you like bunny hopping and the likes and you ride a mod, get a bike with a fairly high bb rise like 50mm+. also the shorter that the stays are on the bike the better as this will make it much more flicky and easy to pull up. i ride a zona and i gotta say that it is perfect to bunnyhop due to the high bb rise and the chainstay length and it is also not a overly long bike, mine measures in at 1020.
  14. Have you thought that if there is only one pawl engaging at a time it would also be a good idea to design yoursef some new pawls for it out of a different material so it would be stronger, as the force that is on just one standard xc pawl would probably snap it or make it skip like a bitch. It sounds like a good concept but whether it will work will be a different story Good look with it anyhow
  15. try leeson bikes, i think clive has got odyssey chrome rims for sale from time to time
  16. well if dan is still gonna go down can i have a place in your car please
  17. just got my new wheel built, so ill be seeing you all brightand early in the morning peace all!!
  18. Ill be there, cant miss ians b-day ride!!
  19. I order a ACS claw from them and it came 2 days after i ordered it it was the first time i bought something off them and i was quite pleased with the time it took to arive.
  20. I never used to ride with a helmet till i fell off a 4ft high wall and landed on my head wich split it open and ended up with me being in hospital! i always try to ride with a helmet now
  21. smelly joe


    Steve A has cracked his pashley's in numerous places
  22. i own a zona zip and it is a real nice bike to ride, i find that the shorter stays and high bb rise make it a very nice frame to bunnyhop with as onzaboymark said. However the short stays also make the bike real flick on the backend, i personally do not notice this much anymore as i have got used to it but people who have a go on my bike always say that it is flicky. i am not sure why but my zona only measures in at 1020 aswell, although feels a lot longer. i have ridden the 06 cls python and i can say that the python is much harder to bunnyup with however it easily outgaps my python. in my opinion i'd say go for a zona, there all in all a hell of a lot cheaper and to date none have been broke. ohhhh and im with swize on the fact that the geo is different between the 05 and 06 pythons
  23. I want your bike!! it sooooo nice to ride
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