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smelly joe

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Everything posted by smelly joe

  1. site's lookin pretty swish. some nice lil clips in there aswell
  2. he's got a point beau! and happy birthday
  3. haha, well its official, im gay enough to join seriously though, i passed with flying colours and i didnt even have to drop and cough, although i had to stand there in just my boxers and be examined for marks and scars ect. although the person who had a medical for the marines had to so maybe its just the marines. the ear beep test was a b*****d, it was so quite, i thought it would be louder
  4. Best bet would be to speak to fatmike about this. he's just done his first year doing photography and he's got it dialled, pretty sure he got a A i wish i took photography, best of luck to you.
  5. what anzo said, and that if your balls drop when you cough your supposed to be all healthy but if they dont then i can only think what they'll do to me
  6. well i guess that just about sums it up, any idea on the length of time it takes?
  7. i was waiting for that, but i heard they dont do it anymore, or are the voices in my head telling me things again great, wonder if the navy's will be any easyier going, hope so!
  8. Okay, well tomorrow i have my medical for the royal navy but the thing is i dont have a friggin clue what it includes dont suppose anyone on here has ever had to go for a medical for any sort of reason and could enlighten me could they? this is my last step for gaining entry, so i sort of want to know what im going to be expecting. cheers people
  9. im up for that, and my new bike will be all up and running if its going to be for sure ill book the day off work!
  10. Fatmike, cracked around the headtube gussets. think he mite have snapped it off completely, not sure though. thats what you get for being mike though
  11. Well, i wore a suite and tie to the interview in the end and it must have worked beacause i passed it, soo happy now. even wore the suit round brum after and you do get treated a lot better, its kinda weird from what im used to.
  12. That sucks, they were a amazing live band best ive ever seen r.i.p ad7
  13. best point yet! i think a suit it is, although i may take a change of clothes so i can shop round brum after.
  14. thanks for the advice. But mark, i think the crotchless trousers and boxers may be a bit over the top, dont want to be to upfront, ehh
  15. smelly joe


    Well tomorrow morning i have a interveiw with the royal navy at the carriers office in brum, and i have no idea what to wear. ive allready sat all the tests, and had a eyetest and what not, so does anyone know whether the interview is formal or informal, and should i dress formaly or informaly?? please help
  16. just what i was thinking, but matts got a bit more beef. ill get a pick of me in a bit
  17. is it me, or does when he land his bars rotate in the clamp and move forwards?? if they are he must have landed that pretty heavy, but he does get quite some height.
  18. was 17 a month ago, although people tell me i look about 21, must be why i get served easy
  19. im running a try-all at the moment, and ive only pinched it once in about 2-3 months and i am stupidly harsh, mine is bald and the grip is still amazing. but for ultimate pinch protection, onza sticky fingers for the win, however you mite loose your face due to there extreme lack of grip!
  20. smelly joe


    I had a good chat with clive last week about disk sizes for the front, and he said that kris is runng a 140mm hope mono trial on the front and that it is plenty powerfull enough. he persuaded me to use a 160 instead of a 180, so i would say 160 would be fine.
  21. I mite come And beau, if your gonna organise a ride dont organise them all the day before like you have been doing, give people a few days notice.
  22. Guess your baseing that on complete bikes? frame-wize the t-pro is much nicer to ride than the zona IMO and the t-mag is just wrong to ride, they feel horrible IMO. anyhows, for the money the zona's are by far the the best, and as for the graphics, i wouldnt mind paying a extra fiver if they were better!
  23. Looks like im out off this as i cant get a lift down as ians leg is being a bitch i was well up for it aswell
  24. Ill be attending with ian, regardless of his stupid leg see you all down there.
  25. i dont get sick pay, but i do get holiday pay and i do indeed have my good old battered and cracked steed of a t-pro up and running again, hate to say but it rides nicer aswell!
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