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smelly joe

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Everything posted by smelly joe

  1. got the weekend off so i may come beau. if nothing else comes up that is
  2. Never got on with my cousts! They started off working well and the performace of them just kept deteriorating till the were useless.seemed to have a butt load of bite no hold at all. so i sold them of to bob87 above who loved them. i'm running rock reds at the moment, there really soft and are wearing quickly, but perform immensely.
  3. this still going to be on then??? im ready to go if it is!
  4. ill be coming shall have to be leaving early though as work calls, unless i can get cover.
  5. im using the red ones at the moment. there on a sharp light grind and work really well have bite and a lot of hold. only thing is one of my pads was set up on the piss and after about a weeks use with it theres no pad left, but the other is fines as its dead straight to the rim and has a lot of riding left in it! not sure on the blue ones though.
  6. yup , he is indeed, theres even some pics of floating about somewhere, ill have a look for them for you.
  7. He is indeed, although he has had to massacre his frame a bit to get it to fit.
  8. personally when riding my zona, i always prefered the feel of zoo's on the back wheel, they just sit there when you get the front end up. i felt the zona was just to flicky and twitchy for me, although it did bunnyhop like a bitch because of the short stays. but at the end of the day its all personal preference just have a go on both of the frames and see which you like best before buying one.
  9. ill drag my ase down if i can scavange the monies, am a wee bit skint at the moment ill let you know in a while
  10. im with ian, rain or shine ill be there!!
  11. i used the red rock pads on a real light grind thats not even sharp and there still dust! think im gonna put my fat pads on and see if they work any better!!
  12. well, the rock pads perform quite well, the worked like beasts in the wet in brum yesterday. the only thing is the wear rate is shit, only have half my pads left, and a lot of dust. go for the blue rock pads!
  13. im running rock reds rite now on my leeson, using a nice sharp light grind on my rim and the pads seem to be working great. not much squeak or bite but a shed load of hold! gonna run them in for a few hours at brum today so ill post back later if the performance changes at all during the day, they've still gotta bed in properly.
  14. All going well we should get in bout 12.30 ish, and yup, i mean fatmike!
  15. count me in!!! if i can blag a lift off someone!
  16. Me and mike are discussing weather now and it looks like its not going to be that bad so no dout we will be there! you guys should come down, various weather reports all look promising!
  17. read all of this thread, and personnaly i dont have a problem with anybody's sexuallity/oreintation i know joe fairly well and can vouch for the fact that he is not that camp, about the campest thing about joe is his shoes, that usually have a tone of pink on them somewhere. and as for joe being able to take people out, personnaly i would not like to fight him, anyway he prefers to punch walls(and in turn bust his hands) in times of fights instead express his rage in a violent manner. which is a good thing or you would not be standing after a punch from joe!
  18. i may be tempted to come, wednesday is my only day off!! ill see if i can drag ian (flipkickbs) with me or any of the rest of the worcs crew! where's meeting place gonna be then? or anyone got a number?
  19. Count me in!, should be along with ian and tom. havent been on a good ride in time
  20. smelly joe


    ive read almost all the post in this thread and it seems the cadets are really fun and you'll make some real good friends. thing is ive signed up for the real deal in the navy becoming a aeronautical engineer, and i start on januray 28th, and was wondering if life in the real thing will be as good as it is in the cadets, if it is what you lot say it is like. joe
  21. i was actually quite surprised how light my wheels are, not heavy at all, i also used to run them on a old jump bike and they were strong so i thought may aswell give them a try on my rig. so far there nice but the back wheel flex's as its only built 2 cross for now as my spokes were to short. i like the rims but i have to admit, ill be changing the rear tyre to a swampthing because the sidewalls are so thin its like puncture paradise.
  22. just got the frame off clive 2 days ago, built her all up and here she is. quick spec: leeson fluid 609 pashley forks hope pro 2 on atomlab hope xc on atomlab middleburns azonic single wall bars truvativ stem v8 pedals hope mono trial rear magura geo is 1030 wb , 380 stays, 15 mm bb ride, 72 headangle. she rides so nice, best bike ive had. comments welcome
  23. arnt the 12mm through hubs 150mm spacing aswell while a standard hub is 135mm?? if so it wont fit for sure
  24. ill come if my new bike is up and running ill get me the day off work!
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