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smelly joe

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Everything posted by smelly joe

  1. count me in!!! havent been out on a big ride in time!! will be good to see some old faces aswell!
  2. i would give a wee bit longer than 3 months, depends how much clive has on his agenda at the time.
  3. my leeson and i do the sex with it everyday =P love the pics, some crackers in there ill get the ones i took up this weekend if i can, down in yeovil at the moment and cant really do a lot on computers down here =( get another ride sorted soon!!
  4. i got some spare rock pads or zoo pads take your pick?? free of charge as im a nice sailor! ill bring them down with me, just look for the kid on a leeson with a navy hoody on more than likely and ask for them!! all my locals will be too drunk to ride tmoz, blaged a couple into coming though! catch you all bright and early! p.s could some people txt me a couple of numbers please as my lot wont be there till later, cheers all
  5. count me in!! coming home that weekend as i got me a new draft! anyone got a spare maggie lever though, preferably 05?? ill try few more locals up
  6. ill be coming still, maybe not riding though, just photographing as my pro2 hub shell decided to split in 2 on me today =(
  7. you could always do what i did on my 18th beau, woke up at 6 had to clean my room for rounds =( started work at 8 till 5 then spent the night revising as i had a exam the next day,didnt drink, didnt see any of my family or friends couldent go home for it either. possible the best 18th anyone could ever have but, i say go out to a club, get wankered!!
  8. managed to drag mr heason out for the ride, and some of the stourbridge crew, ill try get in touch with the worcster rider's see if any of them fancy it aswell.
  9. right then, the times nearing! are people deffonatly coming? and do anymore people want to come? else ill be heading down southsea skatepark =)
  10. mine crushed like a tin can on annything, then snapped! but ignore thaat as mine was a one off zona/onza proto they do ride beautifully though.
  11. well make the date the sunday as thats when most people can come! say 11am at guild hall? im dragging along a couple of matlows with me to boost the numbers. c'mon lets try make it big!
  12. woo hoo, ill be back home then so count me in, hopefully will be a good start to my holidays
  13. anyone fancy riding pompey on sunday 29th of july? my last weekend im pompey untill i get back from leave at the end of august so wouldent mind a decent ride there if possible. any takers?
  14. i Should be home that weekend with some luck, whether my bike will be is another thing =( if its not ill come take some snaps of the day!
  15. can do saturday but not sunday! gotta do some silly tailgunners parade the otherside of the water on sunday
  16. You looking for a streety 24" set or a trialsy set up?? atomlabs or rynolights for the win for street use! else those viz rims would do the job i guess.
  17. Would come mike, just to paintball the shit out of you but i cant, stuck down in gosport training! but if ian goes ill get him to do it for me, haha have a good one though mike!
  18. Was a good ride people! good to meet some of the loacalish people, would be good to ride again with you all. got a huge graze on my ase from bailing down that cobbled flat bank next to the bridge! joe (sandy couloured leeson)
  19. looking at the weather it was meant to be a bit shite today. but its actually been good, cloudy and sunny with no rain at all, not half as bad as the last few days. hopefully will be the same tommorow, makes no diffence to me as im still gonna be there anyhow =)
  20. This may be a stupid b*****d of a question, but where are people meeting?? and how far away is it from the gosport ferry??
  21. Me (jack/harmertrials) Mat (scopse) Ricky (RickyColeman) Darren (Orgun Donor) Rich (Karsonlevoret) Jon Ben Cox Hendrixmaster John Kan (J-KAY) Chris Elson (chris121) Dan Brooker AndyB drumhitter paul oliver george seamons Simon Lee Brendan Gary Scott Grant joe harper (smelly joe) im deffonatly coming now, had to swap my duties in base to come so lets make the most of it people =) where about are people meeting as i have no idea of my way around pompey, just know gunwharf as thats were the ferry goes =( some peoples numbers for help would be nice. cheers all
  22. Ill have my bike down in gosport this weekend and i have weekends off! so i have no excuse not to come! dont suppose any of the local riders around gosport / fareham would meet with me to go with as i just moved down here!
  23. Im there now lads!! managed to blag me a bike to ride for the day due to the broken leeson =( will be good to see all the local's once agian! see you in the morning p.s can i have some peoples numbers may be a lil late and my phone broke so i lost them all =(
  24. Dont think i will be there now, snapped my bb and being a leeson its gonna take a while to get it changed =( sorry people
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