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smelly joe

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Everything posted by smelly joe

  1. for that money yoiu could buy a penis pump second hand, you never know if you get lucky there might even be a few sti's thrown in for free, will boost your confidence and she'll enjoy it more but apart from that a sopey dvd, something like p.s i love you
  2. Hey all, is anybody else off to whiteair at brighton this weekend? And does anybody know what's up with being able to ride the course? I'm going down there to do some flying with the navy but would be good to get a little ride in, if your going keep you eye out for the royal marine lynx flying, that's me!
  3. Hello folks! im either gonna be coming up to brizzle form yeovil, if so is there any one that could offer a lift, ill pay petrol as standard and im planning one the weekend so if anyone has got a place to stay that would be muchly, or someone fancy sharing hotel bills =) if not ill be coming down from bromsgrove with the stourbridge lot with luck, either or anyone heading either way give us a message and let us know =) xxxx R.I.P beau you legend!
  4. Its nice, but its no steel 24" steed!
  5. would not miss this for the world all the Bromsgrove riders should be there RIP beau
  6. haven't rode for a while and it seems that 24" are slowly but surley taking over (and they will do one day ) so i thought i would share my trusty steed with you, she's almost 3 now!!
  7. T-Pro x2 = snappy snappy, well for me but i am harsh! see if you can get a zona zip off ebay would recommend that as a good start point for yourself, mite stretch your budget 50 odd quid though!
  8. alrite mike, long time no.......... anyhow sod pleasentries, the pads the same compound as the ones i had off you a couple of years back? all i can remeber you give me some clear ones which were poo! and some blues ones which me and jian where shocked could actually hold my harshness?
  9. wow! never knew there was so many crabfats on T-F, you should all join the navy and be matlows 2 years plus now and loving it, we have aircraft too, and i happen to be one of the tards that gets paid pittence to fix them compared to people in civvy street! and a lil advice for you going for a commision is that dont go straight for it otherwise you will have no experince of the job and there will be lads with a lot more experince and knowledge than you, fairenough the qualifications you get are better. but before you join check that the qualifications you get carry over to the real world as the AFCO people say they do but not allways the case in the officers world, e.g pilots only get a private license out of it all! and as for the PTI thing its a sideways entry branch in the navy so you have to do 2 years service before you can apply, not sure bout the RAF though! how do you drown a PTI????.....................................................throw a mirror in the bottom of a swimming pool! any questions i could help with?
  10. nice, really loved my zip when i had it! anymore of them out there ever snapped yet or are they still going like raging bulls on viagra?
  11. ill be there hopefully, been too long since ive been on a good ride! dont suppose anyone will be going via yeovil way to give a lift?
  12. rite boys, its a 15/20 min drive from mine to new street station, yet ive gotta get the train in and for some deranged reason its a hour and a half long journey so i may be tired, hungover and cranky tmoz but hopefully that wont hinder my riding!!! ill see you all there, peace out!! P.S ill be there at 11 ish dur to screwed up trains, so if anyone dosent know there way around give me a bell on 07...........
  13. ill see you all there in the morning, hopefully! any know what the weather is gonna be like?
  14. All steves bike has ever been is getto painted, the nearist its been to stripped is having most of the rear triangle painted black while the rest was laquered steel! did look nice though! there might be some pics of it hanging around somewhere, ill have a look for you!
  15. im running 90mm truvativ team XC stem on my leeson on the moment, has been on there 2 years now and theres no sign off it failing!! dont be put off by the fact it is only a one bolt stem! and as for bars, i would recomend azonic single wall world force bars with about a 2" rise if possible. to be honest, its all down to rider preference, you have to experiment and see's what works best for yourself, ive found thats th best combo for me, but mine is the second longest Leeson clive has ever bulit.
  16. fckedy f**karoood!!!!! was meat to be out with ian the satarter of this thread LONG LONG LONG TIME AGO BUT HIS ACR BROKE DOWN =p so i been at the pub doing f**k knows how many shots and just muched my way through a kebab back at home!!!! ill see you all soon with some luck!! this is AET harper (RN class 1) over and out love you all!!!!!!
  17. Im there, last year was awsome, and theres no shortages of places for me to stay around there!! hopefully will be sunny all day this time =)
  18. ANYBODY!!! after all birmingham is a public place and you are the public so nobady has the right to stop you, so get your ase down!
  19. This is one ride that i can attend, ill try drag a couple others along =) gonna have to try fix the leeson up for this one though!
  20. im back now for a couple of weeks, gonna get a ride sorted somewhere if your game? but wont be back off ship till the 20th june which sucks donkey penis sooo have a goood one
  21. that sucks, i love my big brum rides but im going to be away sailing round the british isles on a big carrier then =(
  22. alritey all. been moving round the shop everywhere for the last year or so now with the navy but im finally settled down at rnas yeovilton and have been for the last 6 months or so but so far ive not met any other riders in the area apart from a few dirt riders at some local trails. does anyone live in the area or know of people that live in the area as im always keen to ride, its a nice break from work! cheers all
  23. well speaks for itself birmingham on saturday the 19th. will be my first ride for a while due to working and not living up brum way anymore, so would be good to see all the usual lot about new street gap/ viccy sqaure at 11 am? more the better =)
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