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smelly joe

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Everything posted by smelly joe

  1. start trials....ive bee riding since bout april and all the people around me that ride have made me more than welcome to ride with them....and riding with the more experieced riders has helped me tom learn a lot quicker
  2. well i was a heavy rider!!...ive learnt quite a lot of control since all that stuff happened to my t-pro and not all of the damage done to my bike was self inflicted...ive know many a people who have snapped the pedals and snapped mag levers, althought i suppose most of the damge to it was due to my heavy riding
  3. as far as i know it was meant to be up earlyier this year!! his new vid zoo vid 29 has just come out though and it at absolutly amazing!!
  4. ive had the same problem with mine......i just put a srewdriver in the slots on it and gently hit it with a hammer...its not the best way but at least it moved it...still stiff though
  5. i started on curbs and stuff but then went a little to big a little to quickly which resulted in most of the stuff i did being really sketchy and quite often harmfull to me!!! i would suggest starting and staying small untill you are confident that your control on your bike is good before moving onto anything to big or challenging
  6. i bought my self a t-pro for my first real trials bike after i snapped my mad and its a really nice bike to ride!! the only thing is that ive had never ending problems with mine. -first the bars bent after bout 2 days from a heavy landing -then the freewheel started working its way loose consantly and had to be tightened every five mins -then my brake hose split -the 05 mag lever has cracked due to normal usage -both pedals snapped -chain tensioner twisted round and snapped -hub bust up...bearings went and axle bent -now freewhells gone completly and all of this in about 2 months i reaally like my t-pro but it would be so much better without the problems
  7. ian is a very gd rider.....i should know cos i go riding with him!! for the amount of time that he has been riding he has learned stuf extremely quickly
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