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smelly joe

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Everything posted by smelly joe

  1. This old one! Still a work in progress, not the lightest Leeson but it's built like a tank for the way I ride!
  2. Just in the midst of bringing my old leeson back from the grave. Where did you get the decals from? And by the way, love it!
  3. Really, nobody..... Pace rc250t, always be a timeless classic Race line yellow Maguras Leeson's Dual ply tyres Pashley forks Tensile freewheels
  4. Snapped the bottom bracket in mine a few years back and there not as bad to change as you think with a big hammer some grease and a pair or circling pliers! As long as you can get a vernier on the old shell and get somebody or company's to machine it down to the correct dimensions for you. Then it's simply a case of greasing and hammering it in and re-circliping. As for the axle sticking out thurther on the drive side, yes it should to give clearance for the chain ring and bash guard, the non-drive side should almost be flush up againstl the frame with a 2-3mm clearance with the crank arm on. I might have some old photos of when I did mine ill try dig out for you. Be sure to measure the axle length of you old BB correctly after machining a shell for one BB I bought the axle was to short so cranks grinding on bottom bracket shell wasn't very good.
  5. Buying new bolts would be a cheaper alternative, but if you really want to put the graft in of getting rid of the rust then i suggest hammerite rust remover gel, i use it on helicopters all the time works a treat! its £5 from halfords if you really want to go through the effort.
  6. yeah, been too long! got to get a major pissup on the go soon! ill give him a text, cheers dollface
  7. ill be with you tom, any chance of a lift maybe? see you all there!
  8. the leeson overhaul is almost complete, just a headset left to get!

  9. haha, i had a old saracen mad years ago with dual shitmano disk's on it! me being 15 decided to tar my back disk, ohh how foolish i was in doing that, just turned to complete horse poop! and left me needing new pads and rotor for it!
  10. dominos revenge pizza, doe's what it sais on the tin when using the defecation station

  11. possibly loosing some front teeth if you don't pre-load it before kicking!
  12. i am actually pleasantly surprised, looks nice! how doe's it ride, flicky, streety, trialsy?
  13. fairone, he is a legend, met him once! and he cracked me up on the news!
  14. just curious, who are you getting the t-bird off because i know there is a old one floating around the grove somewhere! and if you need i got a old hope mono trials thats been sitting in my room for 3 years that i can hook you up with for a tenner. get in touch, good to know theres someone else about in the grove that rides trials
  15. bromsgrove, where abouts?

  16. never rode a leeson then! but in all honesty judging by the amount of people that own them and get along with them so well, i would say its a pretty safe bet.
  17. had a slow piston in one a while back, took it out and changed it but did not really make a lot of difference what so ever! what is it bled with? could have something to do with the degrading of the o-ring on the piston.
  18. I remember that you do or did have msn, added me a couple of years back. when i first joined trials forum when my account was hacked, and a few graphic images were posted i think i seem to recall you saying to get me and my mates banned from the forum. hmmm, strange turn of events in which i was proved completely innocent, and then you were later banned. portishead though, whats the lad that works in homebase called that did the christmas lights called?
  19. been told the plates will be removed in about 2 years, all going well, but i am hoping they will not cause me to much grief or limit me while they are still in. the numbness is annoying and i am hoping it will fade away with time, but i have lost almost all the feeling in my thumb as i have damaged my nerves. i really need it to at least be able to use on my road bike by June as i got a 1800 mile ride from Norway to Yeovil i am doing. im concerned in the future with the impacts riding will have on my arm with the plates in, whether it may cause more damage than good to my bones? and for people who want to see the x-rays
  20. yeah, compound, if your going to do it, mite aswell do it properly, surprisingly didn't hurt that much, more just amazed that my arm was dangling around! its been a month since i did it now and i still got no strength in my hand, and can't fully straighten my arm due to the plates and amount if scar tissue. anybody else been through similar but with arms? EDIT : i got the x-rays aswell if anyone is interested
  21. Was meant to be in Norway working till the end of march and should of been able to come home and get straight back on my bike. However i pushed it a bit to hard snowboarding and managed to snap, shatter, and pop both bones in my forearm out of my skin! now the proud recipient of 2 hefty plates and 12 pins i was wondering if anyone knew the sort of recovery time id be looking at before being able to get back on my bike, and what sort of hindrance it may cause? anybody else been threw it and would like to shed some light for me?
  22. based at Yeovil, HMS heron, im a proper sea dodger! yeah i also got laughed at when i mentioned it to the PTI's were i am
  23. Okay then, its been a few years since i have joined the navy now and there is one thing i have noticed from plenty of group rides and lots of looking on the forum. I have not noticed a single other person from any of the forces riding trials. was just wondering if there is anyone here or anyone knows somebody because the forces have a club and a team for just about everything and maybe we could get a tri-service club on the go, get some so called adventure training in! there's gotta be another!!
  24. it could have the potential to be quite nice without all the parts out of the box marked 'unwanted please melt for scrap' but its never gonna be a steel steed!
  25. i think i should have swapped you my leeson for that zoo when i had the chance to all nice though!
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