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Everything posted by Tim-Rodriguez

  1. Tim-Rodriguez


    From the album: Trials stuff

  2. Tim-Rodriguez


    From the album: Trials stuff

  3. Hi guys i dont know how many of you get annoyed when the end of your grips cut from bars hiting floor or wall but was just wondering what bar ends would you go for because most them are heavy chunks of alu...plastic ones are ok but they split and dont hold very well. I seen some titanium ones that bmxers run...they any good? what would you recomend?
  4. can you only run disk brake on them? pretty lame if you cant put hs33 on it
  5. I ordered my bmx from them with 2 max daddy tyres and they only sent me one even doh they charged me for 2 the the other one arrived 3 days after.
  6. BMX is good but its harder and still think trials is more impresive and more interesting...i just want a break from the stuff
  7. I say barcelona too...i can speak spanish hence the surname. need to get bike sorted first. :blink:
  8. (Y) can someone send me the video please the website isnt working Biketrials40@hotmail.com thanks you
  9. I cant go anymore ...the chink has bought another bike frame i was going to buy of this guy. at the moment im fed up with trials....i think im going to leave it to rest B)
  10. i could come on my bmx.....but i rather wait till sunday after whe i got my trials frame
  11. Hey if all goes to plan then i will be going too on echo team 05 but still need new headset for it and theres chance might need some magura hose for back brake fingers crossed :D
  12. Yer i hated the onza anyway kinda glad it broke...but was wrong time with summer just starting. Thinking of monty or echo....but ill see whats out when got the cash ready
  13. Thanks dude yeh i was finishing it off.....and i was being sarcastic about onza ^_^
  14. .........Of course they are i love them so much i will never get anything else on my bike unless its got onza....... ^_^" ....lol
  15. It had small Crack i found today and hoped it ....and hoped it ....and hoped it....and hoped it until it colapsed ^_^ lol
  16. I was tempted to put this in Trials chat section....but i know i get in trouble here you go to watch! Video LINK Sorry bout the eengoedide i dunno any where else to upload feel free to upload it somewhere else and make new link ^_^
  17. Yeah i will be there too....i want to do natural riding :shifty:
  18. What about churches with graves that are over 100 years old and most them slpit and falling appart? is that ok to ride?
  19. Yeh im up for it will be coming along hopefully with Mr Stephen morris
  20. Dunno....was just going through google and poped up....im guessing NSE or clean bikes will get them in
  21. i once had try all shoes but they got thin on the sole and started hurting my feet when jumped off bike...ill stay with £50 duff shoes from now on
  22. hey found these shoes wilst going through some spanish website Click on link http://www.tsbike.com/koxx/parts/shoes%20sole%20B.jpg sorry if its already been posted :-
  23. Ah wicked new rider..yeh that be cool drop me down on msn biketrials40@hotmail.com
  24. They are koxx forks ive had them for bout a year and half...i could see it coming
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