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  1. Yeh, does all depend on how much you want to spend, and what sort of style you ride i guess. Profile have some nice hubs, which are mid range in price. Other than tht, king all the way just cost alot (N) Dan
  2. Are we just talking frames here? if so, i like the t-rex geo. I had a coustellier and if its anything like that then there great. U might want to look at the pitbull aswell as the frames are down in price right now at tartys. The just looks good but id choose the t-rex over the justice for sure. I like longer bikes that are more trials specific. if u get me (N) Hope ive been help in a sum little way,lol Dan SORRY meant pitbull
  3. id go for the king, much better. But saying that the price is a littles steep on the kings at about 300 quid. All depends on your budget i guess :P Dan
  4. Yeh, i use the v8s too, and they cum in lots of colours. I found that the pins come out quite easily though. Not very expensive either, chechk chain reaction m8 Dan
  5. Thanks alot guys, loadsa help here. I have emailed you boys at selct bikes but have yet to get a reply, no worries al give u another mail. Thanks again (Y) Dan
  6. odi lock ons. nice grips, although when they start to wear down, the outer metal bits where they lock can hurt ur hands abit. Still good grips though Dan (Y)
  7. yep yeti do yellow grips, and i wunt be surprised if ODI had some yellow grips
  8. i was a fan of silver and gold. BUt those new green parts from echo look the business (Y) dan
  9. need sum more info, on where to get these full build pythons from. Any more ideas??
  10. I have an RB booster which i dont use, u cud have it off me a for a 10er if you like? dan
  11. Did you used to be apart of that lazy trials site etc? dan
  12. Hey im in the north lincs too. In Barton, u heard of it? dan
  13. Yeh checked selct bikes, none at bikedock. sent tarty an email though
  14. Where can i buy a zoo python full build? from a shop i mean. Who sells em?? Dan
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