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Everything posted by David20

  1. This isn't my bike its a pic from tartybikes but it looks very sweet. Not sure if it will work.
  2. Could someone please change my stickers and grips to a bright green/lime green colour please. Thanks David.
  3. Already been posted in sites vids and pics mate. David.
  4. Definitely get one mate they are awesome I love my one!
  5. Koxx xtp mod with pretty much standard spec in silver with: eno freewheel try-all hope front brake
  6. NO they are not the same frame the t-vee has 2 bolt mounts but the t-bird 2002 had 4 bolt monts with 2 bolt adapters so it could run a vee. So the t-vee can't rud a 19" wheel because it can't run any adapters for the 4 bolt mounts. (if that makes any sense to you ) Cheers David.
  7. It sure was mate I miss that place David.
  8. Downloading now will edit when done. EDIT: I really enjoyed that vid, James Porter on that rail what a beast!
  9. David20

    Picture War

    No maths formula beats Einstein.
  10. My biggest drop is 16 blue pallets to concrete. Cheers David.
  11. Its also raining here but what do you expect I live in Inverness . Me and my mates used to ride a big warehouse full of pallets that we kind of broke into (I think the past riders in Inverness rode it many years ago) until it got emptyed so now I just stay in David.
  12. David20

    Picture War

    No more Illegal substances.
  13. Il be there Mike don't you worry, if im late it will be because highland are taking ages so just take a ride over. David.
  14. Sorry Mike I can't meet at 9 since my brake burst tonight so I should be out by 11. Cheers David.
  15. Mate that is not possible since the black monty is an 04ti and the black/red monty is a 05ti. David.
  16. Anyone? please Come on it will be a good laugh.
  17. David20

    Picture War

    Chav can't throw straight after a bottle of buckfast.
  18. Mate steer well away from t-comps one of my mates had one and it snapped in just over a month. David.
  19. Thurston man this isn't your thread, I am the one trying to organise this ride and I really doubt anyone will come seeing as we are all the way up here and most riders on here live in England or somewhere else really far away from us. I may aswell try an organise it in school atleast then we MIGHT get some riders. David.
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