Sorry man, didnt mean to come across like that and yeh I know what you mean about the chainstays on the levelboss not being the strongest, but when I first got the bike I also used to land heavily on the bash but it did hold out for me but like I said the frame is now cracked after nearly 2 and a half years of riding and it is at the chainstay so it isn't as weak as you make it out to be because I rode a lot of street on it and it was fine when I had it. But I think if I still had it I would of snapped it in 2 by now because I am quite a harsh rider when I try bigger things. I think my mates t-pro was an 04 and I think there was a problen with them but I think Onza have fixed the problem now. Im not dissing the t-pro, I think they are really nice bikes and I would ride one anyday All Im saying is that I think the Levelboss is a better bike.