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Everything posted by David20

  1. Here's the pic since Aidans a stupid twat (not my words).
  2. hahaha, calm down bbz xx.
  3. Aidan you fag, you uploaded the wrong pic
  4. David20

    David20 Vid 6

    Alexisonfire - This could be anywhere in the world To the lad that was saying to add more linked lines, thanks for the tip mate, I'll have to try that in my next vid. Thanks for all the comments so far, keep them coming
  5. David20

    David20 Vid 6

    Hey everyone, just finished my sixth vid, a lot of laid back riding and some of my biggest stuff! Comments would be greatly appreciated, so if you watch, please leave a comment! P.S. The editing isn't very good as the vid goes on due to movie maker crashing if I even tried to watch the vid! Anyway, enjoy.
  6. Nice pics! Is that white rebo's Bens wearing?
  7. In Scotland it is time to wack on the shorts, today I wore fox racing shorts.
  8. My mate has one, I like it, seems more powerful than a magura and has a nice feel to it. I am still un-sure as to whether its worth the extra money though, if you have the money to buy one then go for it!
  9. That sucks man, hope you recover soon!
  10. I think you could get around £500, has a very nice spec so anything under that would be silly.
  11. Not bad vid, was some pretty big moves in there, needs a bit more variation and then you'd be onto a winner! You sure your 15 though? Says your 19 in your profile...
  12. Haha, prank calls ***! I used to love prank calling people when I was younger but if you are being prank called the best thing to do is just rip the piss out of the person calling you, just really irritate them and then they'll put the phone down and not prank you again
  13. Nice bike mate, good starter! I don't understand why you have a pic of my sister as your avatar though, how would you like it if I put a bad pic of you up as my avatar? Pretty nasty thing to do.
  14. Bring me the horizon, utter shite!
  15. Pretty sure that isn't Billy Connolly.
  16. That looks mint, massive improvement!
  17. I would test them for you, I'm running a try all rim with a very light grind atm. I ride both street and natural so I could tell you how well they perform on both types of riding
  18. You're a nut, you're crazier than a coca nut! Mint vid, bail at the end was ace!
  19. Looks nice man, you'll need to give me a blast of it next time I'm riding with you, I'm guessing it suits you loads more than the pitbull?
  20. I think you should use the post a pic of todays riding thread you wanker! How hard is it to see the thread, you thick twat! Just joking, nice pic, shame about the rider
  21. David20

    Zhi Zm3?

    Ooo, that looks lush! Next frame for me maybe!
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