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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Get yourself there early and have a play. Seriously makes your life 10x easier. I'v got a 'job' as a spotter at the Buttermarket in Shrewsbury. Still getting used to the different lighting etc. Good luck with it anyway.
  2. Fishy

    Koxx Lite?

  3. I may come to this for a bit. Will be late in so can people PM me their numbers.
  4. I was about to edit that in when I saw your name at the bottom of the main page. lol.
  5. Bristol, London, Birmingham, Leeds, Nottingham, Coventry, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Rhyl, Shipley Glen, Addingham Moorside, Ogwen.
  6. Seconded. One of my all time favorite songs.
  7. Fishy

    Which Xc Bike?

    Mates got a drone. Feels like a TANK. I'd advice saving money and getting the identity. Those ride lush.
  8. Ebay sounds like your friend?
  9. Anyone know that video where a guy drops really vertical and it goes BANG. That is such a funny video.
  10. That came up with the second video, and it actually made me leak.
  11. Take her away somewhere? Although, is she worth the hassle if she's never going to trust you? To be fair she sounds like a bint for saying that.
  12. Hmmm, I would suggest just meeting up and getting comfortable around her. Being more talkative with her could suggest you both have more trust in each other and that you are overcoming your phobia for her?
  13. You got pictures? What do you mean it doesn't fit? Is the spacing out?
  14. Downloading ftw. Slow downloads ftl.
  15. Some sweet pictures there mate.
  16. Fishy

    Gay Test

    I'm well surprised there isn't anymore full on homosexuals here. Come on lads, sort it out.
  17. Fishy

    Gay Test

    Yeah, your fairly fairy. I just thought all you southerners were like that on that weekender. And kev is actually gay.
  18. Good luck mate! Hope you do very well. This will be such an experience, you lucky b*****d.
  19. Sell her? Edit: No don't do it, she's hot.
  20. Fishy


    Glad it's all sorted. But recently I've had a fair bit of a problem with the royal mail. I've a booster which got lost, some stickers for ebay, and a frame has been returned back to me. Such a piss take really.
  21. I'm in the same boat as you really. Except I'm a first year. f**k office jobs, saying that there's a high probability that i will become an office monkey. I think I want to join the Royal Marines, I've not got much going for me at the moment so I guess that would be the best option, only thing is I'd be on that bandwagon which seems quite big at the moment.
  22. www.trialscentral.com Have a look on there, or find the Sheffield arena website.
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