Get yourself there early and have a play. Seriously makes your life 10x easier. I'v got a 'job' as a spotter at the Buttermarket in Shrewsbury. Still getting used to the different lighting etc. Good luck with it anyway.
Hmmm, I would suggest just meeting up and getting comfortable around her. Being more talkative with her could suggest you both have more trust in each other and that you are overcoming your phobia for her?
Glad it's all sorted. But recently I've had a fair bit of a problem with the royal mail. I've a booster which got lost, some stickers for ebay, and a frame has been returned back to me. Such a piss take really.
I'm in the same boat as you really. Except I'm a first year. f**k office jobs, saying that there's a high probability that i will become an office monkey. I think I want to join the Royal Marines, I've not got much going for me at the moment so I guess that would be the best option, only thing is I'd be on that bandwagon which seems quite big at the moment.