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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Grant before you get banned wack those pictures up. Edit: I have boy troubles, but nothing a hefty plank of wood can't sort out.
  2. You can't stop feelings for her? Just go with the flow man, see what happens...
  3. Fishy

    I Am Legend

    Yeah I thought the same.
  4. I ain't missing this for shit.
  5. You be driving past shrewsbury at all?
  6. Oh gutted that he isn't coming.... Shorts weather?
  7. Fishy


    Looks pretty solid.
  8. Fishy

    Ipod Touch

    Off topic question. Are they worth the money? I love the fact you can use the internet on them, be so useful but is it really worth £200 or however much it is?
  9. Just get out there and ride if you are able to. Don't give up because you are shit, you will progress again. And aslong as you are having fun thats the main thing, isn't it?
  10. Ah, that might be why on my t-raptor the headset just pulled out with my hands haha.
  11. Why not? Same concept for removing your bottom bracket?
  12. Skream are amazing. More dub than dnb though. But everyone should check them out.
  13. You can't really say they are the best bike around can you.
  14. Fishy

    Full Cnc Frame

    That looks really impressive. Hurry up and get it built.
  15. Tapped your frame? Tap it all around and you like moving the screwdriver around so you aren't just hitting the same bit?
  16. People that don't go because it's raining are infact wetters.
  17. I love that base. I really really really like it!
  18. Bike shops should be alright. But only be a dick if they start bullshitting.
  19. Took me like an hour to get my bottom one out my frame. Just keep wacking it to f**k. Tap your frame with the hammer above your cups. if that makes sense?
  20. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, You mean the thing that holds your forks in? Just get a screwdriver and ease it out. I thought you meant the cups. Edit: Look around it because there should be like a slot you can put a screwdriver in, then like try and lever it out.
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