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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. You saying he hasn't sent the stuff?
  2. Fishy

    Help Me Again.

    Ah also, a good mp3 of a .50 cal barrett sniper rifle would be handy too.
  3. Fishy

    Help Me Again.

    Media project. Need to find a decent version of it though. And I want it on my mp3 too.
  4. Fishy

    Help Me Again.

    Do you know where I might find like a clearer better quality and maybe longer version? Thats the thing I'm looking for though.
  5. Fishy

    Help Me Again.

    Been searching for like a week solid now. And i'm getting desperate. Can anyone find me an mp3 noise popeye makes goes like 'agagagagagagagagah'. If that makes sense? Please help me.
  6. I've not really got an opinion on the matter to be honest. But if you're child had been taken from you, and you had half the world believe it was you, how distraught would you be? I don't think it's fair what the medias done to them at all. Just feeding peoples gossip, such bullshit.
  7. You can't prove it was them, and nor can anyone else. Otherwise they'd be banged up/shot dead.
  8. There was a film coming out with Ben Affleck in it about a little girl that was abducted during the time Maddy did. I would expect to see it out in the next few months and it to be a massive hit. Kinda like after 9/11 with Black Hawk Down.
  9. Got next Wednesday free? It's next week not this
  10. Nah not the first, local lads running a vee on his python and has done for a while. Looks pretty sweet though man.
  11. I can't just post in one poll. You need to change the settings.
  12. Can't make it now, just realised I actually have no money. Sorry
  13. Got him a Black Widow catapult. I'm sure he'll like it.
  14. Got £12 to blow on him. I need something random as f**k, but something he will use. He doesn't smoke, and has f**king hundreds of knives. Novelty shit too now. I'm getting desperate.
  15. Almost certain they are Julies. Seen a few in person.
  16. Got him a hip flash last year. This years getting quite hard.
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