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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Looks sweet, hope Ads is pleased with it.
  2. People that think they know more that you, and try to prove you wrong even though you could bet your life they are wrong. LBS's for example, went in to see if they sold bleed kits and they started ranting saying I'd need them to send it back via them to the manufacturers to get it re-bled. WTF?
  3. That is really nice, how you finding it compared to you're old frame?
  4. NEC = National Exhibition Centre, in Birmingham
  5. Rugby, photography, skiing, snowboarding, rough camping and poi/firestaff. Also like Anzo I love learning stuff that's never going to really help me in life.
  6. You've got a mint style. Proper agressive and flicky.
  7. That was alright, but proper pissed off. Like majorly 'want to kill someone' f**ked off.
  8. Rail cards are good, but you can't use them before 10am.
  9. I only really want the knee pads, not the whole dh style stuff.
  10. Check the line too to see if it's in the 'no ticket = fine' areas. Not too sure myself where they are but it's definately worth checking. And they're usually fine about you buying tickets on the train. If they get arsey just say you just got to the station when the train was there/bullshit you're away out of getting fined.
  11. I miss them. Let In The Devil - Tv On The Radio.
  12. Tv On The Radio - A Method Just changed to David Bowie - Ashes to ashes.
  13. Yeah, I don't want to but some shit ones though. Want ones that people have used and can rate as being good.
  14. I've already reported myself so it's all good.
  15. I'm a right ol' pussy and want some knee pads. Recommend me some decent ones that don't restrict movement too much. Anyone that says overkill I'll get Si-man on you.
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