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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Fishy

    Tomm's New Video

    I'll download it, see if it makes a difference.
  2. Fishy

    Tomm's New Video

    It's all a black screen? Can hear the sound though
  3. Lol, their website is obviously going to be bias towards the positives, saying the officers aren't hated etc etc. You can't really quote from the website on everything. I'm not going to get into an arguement, because I know I'm right and its your decision in the end. Although you should already know what you want to do and not really need to post a poll? Thats not meant to be having a go at you, but if you don't know what you want to do then you really need to consider it. EDIT: If I was in your position I would go for just the marines. 1) you're more likely to get in 2) i don't know if they would give you another chance at the test would they? What did you fail at?
  4. Got a text off him, something along the lines of 'todays work includes lord of war dvd and as much tea as i can drink'. Bless him.
  5. It's not just extra pay, it's the responsibility. The training you do is a lot harder and you have to do it in the same amount of time. You do more training after what the marines do. Get Biff's addy, he's training at the moment.
  6. Yeah, asking a forum in which 98% will have no idea about the armed forces isn't the best answer. Like Scopse said, get yourself down the careers office. Edit: And how can you expect a forum to answer a question will be possibly affect you for the rest of your life... It's your decision not the forums.
  7. I get this all in a text whenever something like this happens. Proper LOL material.
  8. oh my god, haven't heard the first song in time. What's it called? Awesome videos too.
  9. That doesn't really look like it was made for a 26" front wheel and forks... Just looks like someones whacked a set on.
  10. Don't think they are long enough for bikes. And it wouldn't be tall enough with the roof. I think your best bets a tranny van or something similar with seats in the back. Pretty much no way you're going to fit 2 motorbikes in the back of a family car.
  11. Thats so the first few layers of fat are burned off to make them more ripped isn't it?
  12. Is it? Would explain his weird looking veins... How can you tell it's ps'd?
  13. Fair enough, I've thought about it before, but to be honest I don't need to at all. Especially at my age.
  14. He looks like such a willy, bless him. Edit: Conor, you on roids?
  15. Fishy


    You got proof you sent it? A receipt from the post office?
  16. Not really scary, just looks a bit erm, i don't know, not shit but yer. I can see the appeal to push yourself, but I can't see the appeal in looking like that. Unless you're topless you just look like a fatty.
  17. Why would you ever want to be that big?
  18. It's not a ped? lol The sherco looks mint. I'm looking to get something like that or the beta alp when I'm 17.
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