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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. I love those so much, makes me want mine back.
  2. Fishy

    Zhi Z1

    Look exactly like Echo Control forks.
  3. Fishy

    Mike Hayes

    Lol, if you've never spoken to kev before then you wouldn't take it how it's meant. It was like when he was saying Fatpants is hench and pulls absolute minters. He's completely taking the piss.
  4. Either the bass or the vocals sound really distorted and echo'y at about a third of the way through?
  5. David Bowie - China Girl
  6. They look for veins so they don't pierce it. I've heard stories of people getting infections and then getting an infection or something in their blood through tongue piercings, but never paralysis, having your eyebrow pierced can paralyse the muscles in the side of your face. Edit: Don't take my word, I've only heard stories.
  7. I've got mine done, didn't have it numbed though. The actual ache is kind of like when you bite your tongue and it lasts for ages sort of pain, if that makes sense? Mine felt weird/hurt and uncomfortable for about 2 weeks, after that your speech won't sound retarded and you will be able to eat properly. You'll need to wash your mouth out while the swellings going down like 4 times a day after every meal and before you go to bed, a girl I know had hers go all infected and it was proper rank. After that once or twice a day as usual, taking the bar out and washing that too otherwise it smells of death. I forget I have mine now sometimes, at first it feels proper alien, but after a few weeks you'll be reet, pretty much like any other piercing.
  8. Dip your hands in vinegar if you're a proper pussy'ole. It'll 'arden up your hands quicker, as well as warming up sand and rubbing them on it.
  9. Will Smith - Getting jiggy with it.
  10. Google says no dedicated forums for women, probably because the majority are busy cleaning or making food.* *Joke.
  11. Nope, definitely 30 meter I watched it with his own eyes.
  12. Discovery/range rover? Depends how extreme the offroad was really.
  13. Fishy


    Shit, R.I.P mate.
  14. I can't get youtube where I live, when I was over in the UK one of the onzaboys showed it to me.
  15. Any need for calling us queers? Good luck trying to get validated noob.
  16. I'm running cod4 on my laptop with alright gfx. It either runs mint and smooth for ages and has a few small laggy spots at about 30/40fps, runs alright and playable at about 30fps, or completely being a 'tard at about 8fps lol.
  17. Same as the other post, josep a la fishe, 100" from two wheels, like the old school way. Most probs another 30/40" on his back wheel. Look up his vid's on youtube, he's so mint!
  18. 30m done by, I think his name was josep a la fishe', or something. He's insane, and proper proper fit.
  19. Freeing up you're hard drive will make a slight bit of difference, close down every application other than the game. Can't think of anything else and you're quite limited to what you can do because you're on a laptop.
  20. Fishy

    Mike Hayes

    Then stfu? Mike's done wrong so thats what he's got to expect.
  21. Ouch, what happened?
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