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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. I'm not going to argue with you, merely because I don't want to see all the words in capitals.
  2. Looks good, I want his front brake.
  3. I'm going to look for something fun and 2 stroke for the road, don't want to ruin my main bike hehe.
  4. Come for the cock fest then. You know we're good.
  5. I've looked at Plymouth, and I'm really quite tempted.
  6. You complain that there isn't enough trials frames and different geometries, and you complain when you see something new thats adding to the whole foundation of trials with new components. Not really aimed at anyone but it does annoy me sometimes...
  7. Fishy

    Gu Le 20" Ride

    I heart your style. Keep it up dude.
  8. Wait, did you actually believe us?
  9. Are you feeling different at all?
  10. Coughing a lot, maybe a cold? Feeling tender all over, maybe a bit weak. Edit: Just asked my brother (he's doing something medical related at uni) and he said look out for small spots, any sort of rash, pupils bigger than normal, high pulse/blood pressure/ going warm one minute, then cold the next and toothache.
  11. Seriously though, I'd go for a blood test, it might just be a deep bruise, but it also could be HIV/AIDS, it's like one of the most obvious signs.
  12. Yeah a trade mark sign of aids is bruises that last for months. I'd get a checkup and blood test at the doctors asap if I were you.
  13. Will you get married? The chances are small and you're still young so you've always got a chance of getting a new gf. Me personally if a girl had done that to me, I'd make them feel so shit, then say I won't finish with them etc then dump them. Just to f**k them up because she was willing to get with this lad even though she is with you. But meh, if you think it's worth keeping then try and sort it out, although something like this is a real trust breaker.
  14. Not to sound harsh or anything but 7 months isn't really that long to get that upset about, then again if I was in your situation I'd be pretty pissed off . When you've calmed down a bit ask her about it. If she starts bullshitting start reading out the stuff on the thing. Make her feel so small and shit. As it looks like you've been pretty badly hit by it. Act as if nothings wrong then confront her. Make sure she can't twist the argument like most women do. Then if she's a cock, spread some shit about her, sounds like she deserves it. Sorry to hear about it though, must be pretty gash reading that.
  15. I think there could be a good amount of money with eBay. You can't sell foodstuff on there though, so what ben said you can't really do on eBay. Clothing/electrical products/random stuff that's half the price over there with the exchange rate then selling it on eBay to make an easy profit probably sounds like your best bet, OR make your own website and sell stuff from there?
  16. Pics or it didn't happen.
  17. Get some pro pics up.
  18. It's like when the pads wear in, they don't wear down as much. Or something along those lines...
  19. His grind doesn't look that harsh... Aren't Koxx pads known to wear down loads within the first few rides then hardly wear?
  20. How do I download videos of vimeo?
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