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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Fishy

    Leeeds Fest

    Kev (trials_punk182) is there. Keep an eye out for someone that looks half between JT! and Wayne Rooney who talks like a farmer.
  2. I've got a 4x4 as my first car, it's kind of acceptable because I live in country areas and will be towing bikes and trailers a lot. But then again it's not exactly a 3.5 td, environment killing, fuel drinking, waste. It's a 1.3 petrol . Do Panda's count in this new 4x4 tax? (I don't own a panda.)
  3. My one which has taken me about an hour. oh my god it's addictive.
  4. You seem like such a bellend about mototrials bikes, I guess you ride gasgas? Full lycra suit?
  5. Joe Rothwell. Chris Page. Chris Greenway. All riders, all support.
  6. Thats a real tidy spec there. Next time you go to North Wales, give me a bell on msn.
  7. No, I've changed my mind, I'm not joking... What you gonna do?
  8. I'm only messing, although if you do talk about anything periody I'll get glen on you.
  9. This isn't the relationship thread, this is the mother f**king Girl Trouble Thread... Get out.
  10. Slagging off girls is what us boys do best. You've just said period too, you've started off the downfall to this thread.
  11. I don't feel comfortable with her in this thread, I don't want periods or anything messy being in her about 'girl troubles'. I hear bears can smell menstruation.
  12. No feedback... You're going to get scammed.
  13. Heatsink is by far the stiffest booster I've ever used.
  14. Fishy

    My Old Baby.

    come on msn, I need a hand with it actually.
  15. Save your money and come stay in a travel lodge with me.
  16. No, I want to read ones you've written yourself, from the heart.
  17. Who cares about Supernatural, I want to read more of your poems...
  18. Fishy

    My Echo Lite

    I think the letters are a tadge spaced out, but I really like the concept of it. I reckon it goes really well with the 'clean-ness' of the bike with the pinstripe bit.
  19. Fishy

    My Old Baby.

    Added a picture to prove my life is colour coordinated.
  20. Don't trust him, I met up with him to buy some 'stuff' and he asked me to sniff his tissue. I woke up with a sore, bloody arse out my jeans down near a canal.
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