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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. I know school tell you that you're gcse's are important, but aslong as you get 5 a-c's you've got nothing to worry about. Employers only look to see that you have actually got 5 a-c's, and usually just in english, maths and possibly science. Getting good grades makes f**k all difference.
  2. That's such a shit excuse, use Yahoo, Hotmail, Googlemail, Gmail, BT mail, Tiscali etc.
  3. Why don't you email him yourself and not be a lazy b*****d. It's about £100-£150 altogether including shipping.
  4. Happy Birthday maaate.
  5. No, his is a mk 2, it's got all the brake mounts. Did you order a mk2.5?
  6. Fishy

    This A Scam..

    Tell him to come up to your house, I know you really want to use your machete and gasmask. This is the time to use them.
  7. I went to austria last year and they gave me some skis which were a tad too long for what I'm used to, (I went with my old school), just pissing about at a snowpark I tried a small 360, ski caught the slope and I snapped my leg. Although I may be smiling in here, I was so so so gutted, proper angry at myself for being a spoon. (I'm the one in the cast)
  8. Yeah they should be alright for your height, how good can you actually ski/how many weeks skiing you done?
  9. You're about 185cm then? 170's are still pretty big. What make/model are the ones you're looking at?
  10. Ah ok, I'll just change it to the scientist on my comp. Sound really good stilll.
  11. Sounds good, they all supposed to be together in one big mix? Also it's saved to my computer as the first song name? Might be my computer but it will be proper annoying trying to find this again.
  12. I haven't, don't want to catch anything.
  13. I'm sure Sam was like British youth champ at moto-trials or something... I remember seeing him with his sherco at local trials. Looking good sam, haven't seen you in time. You going to ssfc next year?
  14. It pisses me off when I'm underage. Edit: Doesn't really make sense. It pisses me off that people younger than me get into pubs.
  15. Fishy

    Broken Wrist?

    Shows how amazing the NHS is. Hope it gets better soon pal.
  16. Fishy

    Post Bike!

    Haha, ooooooh yeah. It isn't in Dawley, it's at the leisure centre in Wellington.
  17. Girls like to go out and have mates that are uglier than themselves to make themselves feel better.
  18. Fishy

    Post Bike!

    Nah, shropshire maaaaate.
  19. I've done the wrong thing. Hold on. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=586334
  20. Taken me a couple of hours.
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