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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Excuses... Let me remind you: GLEN has taken better pictures.
  2. I thought you were supposed to be mint at taking pictures?
  3. Bring round my forks, stem and money soon. I need it for tomorrow mate.
  4. I'm getting quite close to a girl, the only problem is her girlfriend. Yes, her girlfriend... I'm pretty big, and I'm scared of her, if she was a boy I wouldn't but the fact is she has nothing to lose and is a proper guiness/cider drink rugby/icehockey player. I have a feeling she'll finish with the meathead 'cos it's quite an abusive relationship lol. But I'm scared she'll stab me or something similar. It's so shit, cos it's not like I can hit her back 'cos she occupies a vagaga. Expect some update later today when I've sobered up. xxx
  5. I don't know, I wouldn't mention anything, unless it does come up. Do they know each other?
  6. You're not together to it doesn't matter. Although would you care if she had slept with some other lad?
  7. Or locked in the basement with Maddie.
  8. Sluts are out 24/7 in Telford.
  9. Fishy


    Isn't there a thing in Liverpoole that can do passports quicker or some bollocks? I can't really remember much though.
  10. I've been working all this week, what a f**king waste.
  11. I'm proper game for this. Count me in.
  12. Pretty much that. If he likes to do it on a trials bike, then then whatever. It's probably been hundreds times easier on a bmx but meh. I would have liked to see some actual trials in that which would have made it so so so much better. Music and all the random shit was shit.
  13. I don't want to be warned so I'm keeping out of this topic from now.
  14. Loved it mate. Haven't spoken to you in time! Since you moved into your flat I think.
  15. Gemma. Hayley told Kev. Edit: And Char actually. Edit 2: It's well known that you have a todger anyway, else you would have pulled every single girl that's ever had their picture taken with you. Fact.
  16. Shame you've got a tiny dick, eh.
  17. I don't know, I would ask her but she's asleep. And it's embarrising :$
  18. Either that or yellow pages.
  19. Using his email address wasn't it?
  20. I want pictures of your trousers.
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