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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Use something a bit more chilled and 'ambient' (not the right word but it's the best i could think of.)
  2. Fishy


    The absolute worst scars from pedals I've ever seen are probably Bigmans legs, they look like they smarted for a bit.
  3. Watch some trialsmedia videos, some GET videos for inspiration. It's not just the filming/editing that makes them so f**king awesome, but the riding too. Try and be creative with your riding as from that snippet it seems like you're fairly talented.
  4. Riding was impressive, keep it up la.
  5. It's as easy as that? Fair enough.
  6. Fishy

    Deadset ?

    Not really original, seems to be a spin off of 28 days later. Edit: Actually, I see what you mean though.
  7. So how are you supposed to contest warn?
  8. Fishy

    Deadset ?

    Yeah I'm watching it, it looks like it should be pretty good. If it is directed by Charlie Brooker like I think then I think it should be pretty good.
  9. So they can hit me with it while I'm on fire? No thanks.
  10. I was going to do it for a party this friday, but there are going to be a shit load of people I don't know, who'd probably find it funny to set me on fire.
  11. Cover yourself in cotton wool, then drench areas in fake blood.
  12. Fishy


    Was that a sneaky picture?
  13. Jesus Glen, you were a fat f**k, now you're just ugly. I love a handful on my men anyway
  14. Oh, thats alright then, I only really ride with local bmxers. But yer, when Matt's back from the RAF I'm coming down.
  15. This is kind of gay, as I was going to drive down at Christmas to see you and Scopse and have some fun on la velos. Looks like I'll just have to have some fun minus the bikes.
  16. Yeah same here, he's probably worse on msn to me than I am to him on here.
  17. Fishy

    Rich Pearson

    Sweet video, enjoyed that.
  18. Fishy

    Injury Advice

    My rugby boots used to do that, make sure your studs are tight and if it still happens either wear thicker socks or get an insole in your boot.
  19. Birmingham and Coventry have a lot of riders and are good places to visit both for riding and for bragging rights, and especially if you are going so far north then straight down south it would only be sensible to check out the riding scene in the midlands. In Wales there is Ogwen (one of, if not the best place in uk for natural), Rhyl, Bangor. These are all north Wales, not too sure about the south though.
  20. Trials_punk182 (or kev), getting past it at the prime age of 21. Have a good one rudeboiiiii.
  21. Depends how bad the fracture is, usually takes between 3-6 weeks though.
  22. I like Glen, one of the few people I get on with out of tf. He loves it when I take the piss out of him. No pictures of missus, seem to be lacking recently.
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