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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Telford massiv. Ah I see, I'm going to go with the one that looks identical to you.
  2. Fishy

    Valentine >.<

    You don't have to do anything. I'd rather look like a douche then fall into that trap. It starts with meals, then presents, then they blackmail you into buying expensive stupid shit. I know their game...
  3. Dude you've got pictures of your cousin naked!
  4. Nah, but you can share yours with me? I don't know what I'm missing out on.
  5. Why do you have a portfolio full of pictures of your cousin naked?
  6. Fishy

    Valentine >.<

    I was being sarcastic by the way, sometimes it takes a couple of days to earn enough pink points. Edit: Trisandhisbt you are WRONG, Telford owns that.
  7. Have I just been Nick Kershaw-rolled?
  8. Wouldn't be supprised anyway Adam.
  9. Your riding has improved loads since I last saw you Danny. Nice one la.
  10. I prefer the sounds of bass, that's why I got mine. And I freaking love it.
  11. An absolute animal, has a light, 50m resistant, alarm, date etc etc. Easy to replace bits, awesome watch. Link And it's a fooking bargain.
  12. None of mine have come through yet, and I did them yest
  13. I know a lad that's a been a PTI for a couple of years, if there's something you want to know I'll show him this thread.
  14. Fishy

    Adam Griffin

    Nah don't worry, it won't.
  15. If you want to experience some proper lanes, hit me up on msn.
  16. I heard rumors about Justin Lee Collins making a documentry about bringing back capital punishment and the death sentence...
  17. Fishy

    New Tattoos

    Jon, you've got hench shoulders like Glen. And nice tattoo.
  18. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
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