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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Fishy

    Android Apps

    HTC Desire reppin' Advanced Task Killer Amazon Kindle Angry Birds App Protector Pro BBC News Gameoid (Game boy emulator) Go! Chat Google Sky Maps Google Translate GPS Status PSX Droid - (PS1 Emulator - best app ever!) RAC Traffic Sky News Urban Dictionary Weather Bug Where's my Droid WikiMobile Yell I've also rooted my Desire.
  2. Another vote for Android, if you route it an android phone, it unlocks a world of possibilities.
  3. Fishy

    New Phone

    In regards to contracts, call up a network you want to join that has the phone you want, and complain that a different network has offered it x amount cheaper (don't take the piss, as you can do it again in 12 months - go for around 30% of the price.) 9 times out of 10 you'll get the contract loads cheaper than in store and online prices. If it fails, call again and speak to a different agent. (This also works if you already have a contract, but the main point is to not take the piss too much.)
  4. Sometimes... haha, we haven't used ours in ages, I've got a couple of links saved somewhere for some printers and vinyl shops online, I'll have a ganders and send them over if I can find them. I use a pc, never needed the functions on a mac for vinyl cutting, but that forum looks pretty good for info.
  5. Depends what printer you want to use really. I use coral draw and another coral program to convert pictures for vinyl, then upload the document to a program called WinCut for the actual cutting... Make sure you read into printers before you go buying one straight away, to get a nice smooth finish on the cuts, cheaper printers really don't hack it (likewise with the vinyl itself, make sure you spend a bit more on the vinyl and get better quality as it makes the final finish 100 times better!)
  6. I sell people shit that they don't need and can/will literally ruin their lives.
  7. okay, how do you want to pay?

  8. yeah, email me at joe.rothwell13 gmail.com to discuss further.

  9. call it £12 and you've got a deal.

  10. I may have to ask Kevin if he's worthy of Southend, again. I don't know really what to say, except for nakedness.
  11. Alright chap, where abouts in Shropshire are you from?

  12. I reckon we should have a pay and play meet somewhere fairly central. Who's game?
  13. Ok brilliant, this sounds very tempting now. Went to go look at a Lightweight, and all I can say is I left with a wet patch in my boxers.
  14. Not really, all depends what it's built for really. Been looking at selling my Jimny for something green and old...
  15. Erm, between £500 and £800, really just depends on what comes my way. I've had a look around and still unsure what to look at.
  16. Hi, Basically after a bike which can handle xc/all mountain/freeride. I don't want anything too heavy, but I don't want something that's shit spec/likely to fail. Going to be looking at second hand bits to get me going first, just to make sure I don't waste loads of dollar. What should I be looking at? Specific bikes and frame sets/forks/wheel advice welcome. Cheers.
  17. Can we make a rule so that you have to put shit into bullet points rather than writing essays? Please.
  18. Yeah, had a few problems with the coil but after we changed it, it seemed fine. If I don't get a new bike, I'm probably going to get a 150cc kit and a racing ecu for it.
  19. I'll see what this week brings, I should be up for it but we'll see.
  20. I'm with the majority and say Sherco or Scorpa. My Scorpa is awesome except it sometimes lacks, but being 15 stone doesn't really help it.
  21. Hangover related tip: The sachets of powder you get which rehydrates you for when you've had the shits is literally the best stuff ever. It's full of the salts and minerals you lose and makes you feel fresh as a daisy.
  22. I was pretty close to tipping my car night before last, it's too easy to crash driving like a bell end.
  23. naked.

    1. Ashes


      Hi i was looking through some of the forums and noticed that someone mentioned u cut some graphics out for them. would yu be able to do this for me if i gave u some sort of design........ plus i can always ermm make a slight donation if needs be.



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