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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. Stop being such a pussy. If he was in a long term relationship then I very much doubt he would even think about this. But the fact is he has, which must doubt in his own mind whether the relationship is worth risking or not. Edit: And who would ever think of suicide after a relationship?
  2. Judging he was considering it, I doubt it very much. Although as you said, it is possible.
  3. I don't see what's wrong, technically she thinks he never did it, so win:win? Morally, yes, it is wrong. But f**k it, you're 'young and naive', it's not like you're going to get married. Man up.
  4. Does she like you? Have you ever mentioned liking her to her?
  5. If it's not been long and you don't trust her then what's the point? f**k then chuck is the way forward.
  6. Poon is poon at the end of the day, right? Rich J, how long have you been with her? I'd just f**k her then chuck her mate, she doesn't sound like she's worth the effort.
  7. http://www.bikeradar.com/news/article/bike...ls-riding-21410 Check this out guyths.
  8. Yeah, nice sidehops. I actually lol'd at your sparrow legs, bless.
  9. I can't believe you actually questioned what kind of can, for it being lighter... Jesus.
  10. Where did you get yours from, and how much weight are you carrying?
  11. Fishy

    The Swine Thread

    I had a gammon sandwich earlier, I'm f**ked.
  12. Both my parents have asked if I've seen it, I wasn't that shocked that my Dad did, but my Mums a complete internet spastic.
  13. La Roux - In for the kill. (high contrast remix) I think.
  14. Should have a little bit of slack in it, too tight will ruin the bearings in your bb/rear hub/ffw.
  15. You could now claim the bike was stolen because they locked it up. Ching!
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