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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. I don't know you, but happy birthday! Now off to the angry thread
  2. Yeah, if you want, add me on mr_joefish@hotmail.com, sort something out
  3. I haven't ridden in about a month. Just haven't been arsed to get a new back hub, and anyway I'm getting an Onza Zoot
  4. Fishy

    My Coust

    Awesome looking bike there, add me on msn if your still looking for stickers...
  5. The demo was awesome, i was there from the very start, like 20 mins before, to like after, when everyone had disapeared, was f**king awesome!
  6. I had terrible back pains when I started. When I went to see the doc, he said it was the muscle strtching more than usual, if you rest and ride, then your back will get fine. Also, if you don't drink enough, it can cause bad back ache. Not sure how this works, but my local GP said if I didn't drink enough it would also make my back sore.
  7. Fishy


    My nickname's Fish, long story, but oh well... When I was younger I lived next to this wee lass, bit of a 'tard. Could not at all say Joseph, so she called me joefish, then it just kinda stuck. My dad calls me Fish, so do loads of my mates. Not really that long of a story after all
  8. Looks awesome A lot better looking than mine
  9. I was just using Monty as an example, at the moment I have a Koxx lb 1065 '04, and I got it because to be honest it was a lot better than my monty 230. (and it was cheap) But now that i have some money, I was thinking in investing in a new bike, 24" maybe or something. My dad thinks that riding an older bike will bring back his youth, if that sort of makes sense, i ride a custom made aprilia, which is about 23 years old (the frame) and i love it. But if i had the choice of a new bike, i would. They are much more powerful and stronger. I guess I also put up this topic to see if i am making the right decision getting a new bike.
  10. Cheers for the replys, The reason for this topis is, that I inherited some money, and it's surposed to be for a new bike, and my dad was basically saying i am an idiot for getting a new one, when mine is good enough. But i was saying how i prefered other bikes, to mine, like the feel on back wheel etc...
  11. The bike he rides he built himself, so i can't really comapre it to like a new bike, but the frames early 90's. Thats basically what i was trying to explain to him.
  12. Hey all, Just having a 'discussion' with my dad about how geo makes a difference, even at my level, Would I be right in saying that a new bike, say this years model of a monty, be much better than an 8 year old monty, same model...? I know for a fact that most people will agree with me, because it's just commen sense. Bearing in mind that he has rode motorbike trials since he was about 14, and is now erm..... in this early 40s, you would expect him to understand geometery. (sp?) If you could just post your views on my statement to see who's right, as it is seriously pissing me off. Cheers jOe....
  13. Go on my controls at the top of the screen, and its under avatar settings I think....
  14. I'm with this guy on this one, but you could re-helicoil your frame, or super glue a bolt inside, and use the thread off that...
  15. Fishy


    Trials Media I think its that website that has some videos, but if it's not that website add me mr_joefish@hotmail.com, will sort you out with some
  16. Fishy

    Guitar Tabs

    Awesome, thanks everyone, I wish I had never stopped playing now, my fingers hurt after playing hardly any time. Gay to the max
  17. Fishy

    Guitar Tabs

    Please Anyone?
  18. Fishy

    Guitar Tabs

    Hey all, I'm just starting to play my bass again after a few years out and i was wondering, if there are some good websites that have bass tabs for songs on there? Cheers in advance jOe......
  19. A man with no limbs was sitting on a beach, when 3 of the most beautiful women walked up to him. The first one said, "have you ever been hugged?" And the man replied no, so she hugged him. The second one said, "have you ever been kissed?" And the man replied no, so she kissed him. The third one said, "you ever been f**ked?" and the man replied no, then she said "you will be wen the tide comes in" Bus full of nuns die in a crash and go to heaven. St Peter asks te first nun "have you ever had contact with a penis? She says "I touched one with my finger" St Peter says "put your hand in holy water" Suddenly theres a commotion, a nun pushes to the front, St Peter asks "whats up?" She replies " If I'm going to gargle that holy water, I want to do it before sister Ann sticks her arse in it"
  20. LMFAO, awesome... Made me chuckle
  21. We can do 2 colours, just a tad more expensive, because it's harder to do Add me to msn if you want
  22. The worst thing i ate was a tea bag, or a table spoon of coffee granuels, Shark fin soup was an interesting meal, bit chewy though... blah... Heehee, shove as much sherbert into your mouth, then drink something cabonated, ie coke, or lemonade, the mixture should come out of your nose then drink that... My BEST drunken party trick so far. Worst thing snorted was wood shaving, and the worst think i tryed to smoke was hot chocolate granuals, was ill after that... Edit : Marmite.... f**k YEAH
  23. When you say leverage, do you mean power? Modulation? of Like how far the lever pulls in until it bites? It could need a re-bleed, maybe a bit of a bend in the rotor? Seals burst? could be losing a bit of oil from somewhere...
  24. I can keep a secret if you can tell me I have my suspitions for who's riding, but I am most probably wrong...
  25. Oh, didn't see that post, should of searched, hopefully I will be trotting up to Fort William for it, but i need a few days of school...
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